Tightly Held [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Tightly Held [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Cara Adams

Book: Tightly Held [Werewolves of Hanson Mall 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Adams
Tags: Romance
completely shut in the shower room.
    “It turns on automatically as you enter, and you need to stay there until it stops. When it finishes, walk out the other door and wait on the stoop until we’re all there. Once off the stoop you must stay on a specific pathway. Your feet will have antiseptic on them and we don’t want that getting on the plants. The path curves to the center and drains into a special tank so it can’t get in the groundwater or anywhere near the garden. Do you understand?”
    Nolan nodded. Georgia said thoughtfully, “I suppose it works the same for the car wash on the way in as well.”
    “That’s correct. When we arrive at the running area, I’ll get off the path and you’ll know you can do what you wish. I’ll wait at the path until you’re ready to return.”
    “We can’t get lost?” asked Ethan. Yeah, he was concerned about that as well.
    “You shouldn’t. If you’re worried, howl and I’ll call back to you so you can come to my voice.”
    Georgia stepped into a cubicle to undress. Nolan figured she wouldn’t come out until they’d all left the locker room. He’d have liked to see her lovely body again, but he didn’t want this stranger looking at her, so it was a good plan. He stripped off, put his things in a locker, transformed into his wolf, and walked into the shower room. He kept his eyes and mouth tightly shut as the spray coated him and was rinsed off. He wondered if it’d repeat like it had with the car, but it didn’t so he padded out through the footbath to the stoop. He hadn’t been there very long when the young man arrived, and a few minutes later Ethan came. Last to arrive was Georgia. She had the most amazing pale fur. Not golden exactly, but a very light brown. She was a truly beautiful wolf.
    The path was concrete and quite narrow, clearly made for a wolf not a human. It curved noticeably into the center, with a distinct lip at the edges to avoid any runoff onto the ground. They followed it for perhaps a quarter mile until they reached another footbath, which they had to walk through, a larger square of concrete, and an open-grassed area.
    The lead wolf ran around the grassed area, then dived in and out of the trees in various directions, before walking back to the large concrete area and lying down.
    Nolan understood him. This was where they would meet to go back to the house. They could run on the grass or through the trees in this general area. He turned to Georgia, wanting to let her choose their activities.
    With no hesitation at all she ran through the trees. Ethan reacted faster than him and followed her with Nolan bringing up the rear. Georgia moved quickly, jumping over rocks in their path and skirting shrubs and trees. After a while she changed direction, returning the way they’d come but on an angle so the land they covered would be slightly different.
    Ethan raced past her, biting her tail and running behind a tree. Okay, so he wanted to play Tag You’re It. Nolan could do that. He sped after Ethan, hurdling over a few small shrubs in his way, skidding around trees, using his extra sharp wolf sense of smell to tell where Ethan was hiding. They ran, jumped, played, and exercised for perhaps twenty minutes, before Georgia flopped on the ground panting. He and Ethan dropped beside her and he licked her nose. She didn’t seem to mind so he licked around her ear, slipping his tongue inside it. Shit, that was sexy. She was a damn beautiful wolf. A damn beautiful woman, and he couldn’t wait to get her into bed again tonight.
    As they walked back to where they were to meet their guide, Nolan was really pleased at having had the opportunity to run, and most of all to see Georgia as a wolf. But already his mind was focused on what would come next.
    This time the antiseptic spray lasted much longer and air was blown over his fur, ruffling it as the spray penetrated right to his skin. By the time the clean water shower was done, and hot air blew to dry

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