Fighting To Stay

Free Fighting To Stay by P. J. Belden

Book: Fighting To Stay by P. J. Belden Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. J. Belden
just a few steps away from the door, Garrett lifts me onto it and cups my face in his hands. For a moment, he only looks at me.
    “I want you to stay at my place. Is that okay? We can go to a hotel if you’d prefer that, but I really don’t want to leave you alone.”
    Looking at the genuine concern in his eyes, my heart warms. This man shows me in every interaction how much he loves and cares about me. Whatever I did to finally be in this position, I’m so unbelievably grateful.
    “If you don’t mind me crashing with you, I would love to be able to sleep with you. I feel kind of spoiled over the past few days.”
    “The only way you deserve to be is spoiled,” he smiles before kissing me lightly.
    Before he could pull away, I wrap my legs around his waist, pull him in tighter, and deepen the kiss. After all that has gone on over the past few days and especially just now, I need this reprieve. That is exactly what Garrett’s kisses are to me. Relaxation and a calmer in lip form.
    Pulling away, he looks at me with heavy lidded eyes. “If we do this any longer… Let’s get back to my place.”
    I wiggle my hips against him, rubbing his erection between my legs where I want him badly. His growl fills the sexually charged air and I smile innocently at him.
    “I’ll take you right here on this rail. After having a taste of you at the hospital, I need more. I’m addicted. So don’t tempt me. Hop on my back and let’s go,” he instructs with his warning as he turns around.
    Giggling, I hop on his back and he practically runs down the stairs. As we are walking across the parking lot, I get a strong feeling of someone watching us. Not making it noticeable, I look around the lot and spot his car. Leaning forward, I whisper in Garrett’s ear.
    “We are being watched. Please don’t look around, but I’m done with this bastard.”
    Turning his head, he smiles. “What are you up to, beautiful?”
    “I’m taking my life back. I’m not giving him a chance to ruin it any longer,” I smirk.
    He opens the door of his truck and sets me in there. Running around to the other side, he jumps in and looks at me. I’m not sure who moves first, me or him, but regardless his mouth is on mine, devouring me once more. Shifting over, I straddle his lap. His hands push up the back of my shirt unclipping my bra. The minute his hands move around to play and caress my breasts, I move my hands down to his pants. Unbuckling them, I push my hand inside.
    “Ah, shit, baby. Stop. I’m not making love to you in my truck, not yet anyway.”
    “How fast can you get us to your place,” I ask as I bite his lower lip.
    “Oh, I’ll push it,” he laughs as I slide back over to my seat.
    When he goes to close up his pants, I stop him. “Nope, I’m having fun while you drive.”
    Reaching my hand in his pants, I pull his incredible length from his jeans. It makes my mouth water.
    “Dee…” he starts, but I’m already lowering my head taking him in my mouth. “Ahh, fuck,” he breathes.
    Looking up at him, I see his head tossed back. His eyes are closed, but I can see the smile on his face. Pulling off him, I lick a slow circle around the head before pressing a soft kiss to the tip.
    “Drive or I stop,” I breathe then twirl my tongue around the head.
    “Fuck,” he curses.
    Starting the truck, he puts it in drive. I can’t help the small bit of laughter that escapes when his body shudders just from my breath.
    The whole ride to his place, I tease him. His body is tense and he keeps cursing. Suddenly, we are skidding to a stop.
    “Get undressed,” he urges.
    Not caring where we are, I did as he asks. He is stripping as I am. Quickly, I climb over him and he slams me down on him, burying him completely inside of me.
    Tossing my head back, I moan. “Oh Garrett,” I breathe as my hands grip his hair tightly.
    Garrett growls and pulls me to his mouth. Moving his hands to my hips, he moves me up and down his shaft faster and faster.

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