Fighting To Stay

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Book: Fighting To Stay by P. J. Belden Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. J. Belden
    He smiles. “Well, how about you move in with me? Now before you turn me down, I love you so much. I love falling asleep with you in my arms and waking the same way.”
    Dropping my head, I fight the urge to cry. “I can’t move in with you Garrett.”
    “Why not?”
    “Because why? I mean, I love you and you love me. I don’t see the problem with it.”
    “I just can’t. I’ll stay here for a little bit, but I can’t move in with you. Not yet. Not right now.”
    Garrett looks down, sighs, and then stands. Watching as he collects the plates and places them in the sink, I chew on my lip. Resting his arms on the edge of the counter, he takes a deep breath.
    “Are you… Are we…” he sighs again before turning around to face me. “Never mind, I have some case files that I need to look at. I’ll be up to bed in a little bit. Your appointment is at nine.”
    He walks out of the kitchen, leaving me stunned by his mood change. What just happened there? My emotions are on overdrive lately and all I want to do is curl into a ball and never wake up.
    Sliding off the stool, I walk out of the kitchen and sneak down the way he had gone. Seeing a cracked door, I quietly move to peer in. Sitting behind a big desk is Garrett, he’s staring down at files in front of him. As he looks through the pages, he keeps running his hands through his hair.
    The look on his face is sadness. The thought of making him sad has me wanting to run into the room curl around him and tell him how sorry I am. Right now, my head is telling my heart that putting distance between us is exactly what I need to do at this moment. Even as my heart loses a piece with every beat.
    Turning, I head upstairs to the room he brought me in a few hours ago. The blankets are still strung all over the place. Gathering up everything, I quickly make the bed. Climbing in, I try to force myself to sleep.
    Sometime later, I see his shadow appear on the wall across from the bed. Slowly, I roll over and pretend to be asleep. Peaking at him through the slits of my eyes, I watch him watching me. Working hard, I keep my breaths deep and even.
    Slowly, he walks towards me. When he reaches the edge of the bed, he pulls the covers over me completely. Leaning down, he kisses me softly, lingering there for a few seconds.
    “I love you. No matter what, I always will,” he whispers before walking out of the room.
    My eyes fill with tears and I cry myself to sleep.

    Waking the next morning to the sound of the alarm, I groan sitting up. Tears immediately fill my eyes at the sight of the empty, never laid in spot next to me.
    He never came to bed.
    Wiping away the tears, I climb from the bed and head into the bathroom for a much-needed shower. After standing in there letting the hot water beat down on me, I wash and finish my shower.
    Once I have dressed, I head downstairs to find Garrett. When I found no one in the kitchen, I head down to his office, but there’s no one in there either. Walking back into the kitchen, I slump onto one of the stools. My heart is breaking one sliver at a time. That’s when I see the note.
    I had to be in early this morning, but I have a car coming to pick you up for your appointment. Please make yourself at home. I don’t know what time I will be home tonight, but here’s a key. You’ll be fine today. Enjoy the day. ~Garrett
    He just left me here. Would he have done that had whatever happened last night not happened? Did he ever come to bed? Why do I feel like I’ve just lost a piece of myself?
    Not even bothering to see what there is to eat, I grab my purse and head out the door. I’m not even sure where I am at right now, but I’ll figure it out.
    On pure instinct, I turn right and head toward the end of the road. Once I get to the end and see the street I am on, I know the way to go to get to my appointment.
    The walk is long and I am completely drained by the time that I get there, but I didn’t

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