The Fight Club

Free The Fight Club by P.A. Jones

Book: The Fight Club by P.A. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.A. Jones
let you go without one." He wrapped his hand around my arm and dragged me inside.
    "I don't need one." I resisted, but eventually walked inside. It had almost been three years since I’d last been in this house. Uncle Sam used to come and meet me in my new place, but not anymore.
    Uncle Sam opened the mini bar he had in the main hall. And then I saw her picture. A picture of the two of us, when we were in school. I grabbed it and threw it on the floor. Tonya
    "Why do you still have this, uncle? Weren’t her actions enough for you?" I asked. My emotions had gotten the better of me now.
    "I don't know how many years I have left, Noah. I just can't get rid of her that easily,” he replied calmly.
    "Why did dad set me up with her? Why did he think that it would end in a happily-ever-after? Didn't he know that there is no such thing in this fucking world?"
    I pushed my hand in my hair. My heart was racing faster than ever. Anger was boiling inside. I wanted to punch someone, destroy something.
    "Because he believed in love."
    "Then he should’ve let me choose.” I grabbed a bottle of wine and threw it on the wall. It shattered in pieces, but that wasn't enough to calm me down. I grabbed another one and threw it on the floor. "Does that dilute the poison in your heart?" he asked, still calm and composed.
    "I'm angry with you, Sam. You watched my life get burned in her hands. You never tried to wake me up from the spell of that bitch."
    "I know, my son, and I regret it. But I will keep loving you, no matter what."
    I laughed bitterly. "You keep doing that."
    I left. I didn't care where I was going, because I didn't care about the destination. Seeing her in that picture ignited the memories that I had buried deep inside my mind. I despised Uncle Sam for that.

Chapter 12
    I saw Tony sitting at a corner table when I entered the restaurant he’d messaged me about earlier. Tony pulled out the chair for me. He was a gentleman, but if he was trying to impress me, then he was dreaming. No matter what, I wouldn't budge. Love and dating was a distant thing for me, at least for now."I thought you wouldn't be coming." He gave me a sweet smile.
    "And why is that?"
    "Because..." He paused for a moment. "Nothing comes to mind. Just a gut feeling."
    I giggled. "I see. So, what are we ordering? Anything special?"
    "It's my favorite restaurant. I used to live across the street. I could never afford it before I worked with Gavin. So when I got my first pay, I came here to celebrate." A happy memory flashed in his eyes..
    "It's costly." I looked at the menu. It was more expensive than many places I visited while in New York.
    "Welcome to Hollywood. And wait until you visit some really nice ones. This place would look cheap.”
    "I have no cravings for such costly restaurants. I'm happy where I am." I was a satisfied person. I never looked too deep in my future. May be that's why I was ready to get married and have kids at twenty-two.
    "I'll take you to one of them. Once I win the championship, I’ll be rich.”
    "Thanks, but no thanks." I smiled. I wasn't sure how to take his hint. Did he really want to take me to dinner as a good-hearted person, or did he want more from me?
    "Have you met Rose?" he asked, looking over my shoulder.
    "Yes, I met her on the first day of my job. What about her?"
    "She’s here with your client."
    "My client? Noah?" I looked around and saw Noah talking with Rose. They were laughing at some joke. I felt a jealous clench in my gut.
    Why would I feel this way about Noah? What was she doing with him? Did they know each other?
    "Do you think they’re friends?" I looked at Tony.
    "I doubt that. Rose would’ve said something. I heard her moaning about your client the other day. If she had known him, she would’ve talked with him, right?"
    He was right. But they behaved like they knew each other for a long time. But why was I feeling jealous? Did I have feelings for that man?
    No way. I hated him for insulting

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