The Payment

Free The Payment by Mysty McPartland

Book: The Payment by Mysty McPartland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mysty McPartland
Tags: Romance, Family, series, Danger, love, Marriage
breath, Dane pulled Dianne’s arms from around his
neck and pushed her away. “For God’s sake woman, what’s the matter
with you?” Of all the damn luck to have India run into this woman.
He could well imagine the confrontation.
    Dianne bristled but threw herself at him
again. This time she kissed him, when he pushed her away once more
she became infuriated. “Is this any way to treat your fiancé after
being away for so long?”
    Dane looked at Dianne, as if she completely
lost her mind. “What in the blazes are you talking about woman? We
both know I’m darn well not engaged to you.”
    “ Don’t you dare lie Dane Mathews. We
had an understanding before you went away, and I have only been
waiting for you to return so that we can have our engagement
party.” Dianne spoke furiously and silently prayed her plan would
work and that the woman and Tuff were lying.
    Dane took off his hat and ran his fingers
through his hair in aggravation. Out of the corner of his eye, he
noticed a small crowd starting to gather. He clenched his jaw and
turned his attention back to Dianne. “Listen to me Dianne not once
did I ask you to marry me and there is no damn understanding
between us.” He hissed out and wasn’t surprised to see how his
words only angered her further.
    “ Why you no good bastard. How dare you
deny we’re engaged, and I suppose you’re going to tell me you’re
married to the little ragamuffin I met at the mercantile?” She
screeched at him.
    Damn it to hell. What in
the hell is wrong with this woman? Is she completely dense? Once again, Dane ran his fingers through his hair in
frustration. “Yes that little ragamuffin as you call her is my
    Dianne gasped in outrage. The overwhelming
anger welled up inside of her. Somehow, though she managed to
control it and instead broke into tears. “Oh how could you darling?
How could you do something so cruel to me? Please, Dane, tell me
you were forced into this marriage, and I might be able to forgive
you. I’m sure Mr. Harden will help you with the divorce.”
    His jaw clenching even tighter, Dane tried
hard to keep his temper. “There will be no divorce and to set the
record straight I was definitely not forced into marrying my wife.
I wanted to marry her. As for this fictitious engagement, you were
damn foolish to think you could hope to trap me with it.”

    As she stepped off the boardwalk, India
heard Dane’s words. She moved to stand beside him and smiled when
he turned to gaze down at her.
    Dianne now knew that any hope of forcing
Dane to marry her were gone. When the woman who stole him came to
stand beside him, she flew into a rage. Screeching loudly she
lifted her hand and struck the woman across the face.
    India mumbled a curse and called herself a
fool for not having been prepared for some retaliation from the
woman. When she felt the stinging slap to her cheek, she staggered
slightly from the blow. “Damn it,” she muttered then straightening
up, she bought back her fist and let it fly. Her blow landed on the
other woman’s face. She felt some satisfaction when she heard the
woman cry out. Her eyes grew round when she saw the blood spurting
from between the woman’s fingers.
    Out of the crowd that gathered, a young
woman raced forward took Dianne’s arm and led her away.
    Dane’s jaw dropped in shock. He never
expected Dianne to attack his wife. He cursed himself for being too
slow to react and stop her, but he never predicted his wife would
retaliate and bloody Dianne’s nose. Yet he couldn’t help but be
mighty proud that she defended herself. He turned to face her,
grasped her around the waist, lifting her of her feet, and kissed
her soundly. After a few moments, he placed her back on her feet
and grinned down at her.
    India felt terribly embarrassed over
her outlandish conduct. Good Lord I’ve
only been here less than an hour, and I have already caused an
unlady like scene. However, when Dane kissed her

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