30 Seconds

Free 30 Seconds by Chrys Fey

Book: 30 Seconds by Chrys Fey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chrys Fey
Tags: Contemporary,Suspense
and hard. She stroked him, causing him to moan, and her blood to simmer.
    He whipped the wheel sharply. The car shot up the driveway. Jolting to a sharp stop, he shoved the car into park and looped his arms around her.
    Dani laughed.
    “You think that’s funny?” He nipped her bottom lip as his fingers worked to unbutton her pants. “Damn it, I can’t wait.” He took a condom from his wallet, rolled it on, and tore her underwear away while fighting to get closer to her in the cramped car.
    She put her hand on his shoulder and pushed him back into his seat. “Neither can I,” she whispered. “You might want to move your seat back.”
    He grabbed the lever under his seat and pulled it up. His seat slid back and she straddled him. With their eyes locked, she lowered onto his body. She purposefully went slowly so she could feel every centimeter of him as he went deeper and deeper inside her. She also wanted him to feel every inch of the space he filled.
    She moved leisurely at first, letting the sensation build. When it became too unbearable, she moved faster until they were moving together in a flurry of moans and groans and gasps. She grasped his shoulders, sinking lower, moving quicker as he lifted higher, thrusting deeper.
    Her moan filled the car and she leapt off the cliff of ecstasy with Blake.
    Minutes later, she shuddered against him. She didn’t have the strength to move. She probably wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. When she could manage to speak, she said, “I’m sorry.”
    “For what?” He whispered in her ear.
    “For that .”
    “No.” He pulled her back, looked into her eyes. “Don’t ever be sorry for that.”
    “It was—”
    “Amazing. I wanted you as badly as you wanted me. We weren’t going to get out of this car, and I knew it the moment I unlocked the door.” He touched her lips with his. “Baby, I love you.” He deepened the kiss. Her hands slid up and down his chest, his hands caressed her naked legs.
    After a moment of tangled tongues and caresses, she felt him harden inside her. She pulled back with a smile. “Again?”
    “Again and again,” he said. “But not in my car.”
    “No.” She stared into his eyes. “I want to make love with you in your bed.”
    She pulled away from him and slid into the passenger’s seat. As he zipped his pants, she tied her jacket around her waist and zipped it up, creating a makeshift skirt. She opened the car door and slipped out. The cold wind slithered between her legs, but nothing could cool her insides. She was about to make a dash for the door when Blake swept her up and took the steps in one giant leap. He carried her up the stairs to his room, laid her gently on his bed, and settled on top of her.
    “Now it’s my turn,” he whispered in her ear. He pulled the sleeves to her jacket away from her waist and slid the zipper down, exposing her inch by inch, and revealing the small peace sign above her bikini line.
    His fingers stroked her warm, wet flesh sending electricity shooting up her body. He dipped his fingers inside her, rubbed her soft interior. She rode the wave of pleasure until she could hold back no longer.
    He took her mouth as his hands roamed over her body, starting a fire on her skin. When she groaned impatiently, she felt him slip inside her, as slowly as she had moved over him in the car. She thought she would go unconscious from the pleasure he created, but she came like a gunshot.
    She slept as though she were in a coma, waking only when she felt Blake’s lips press against hers. “Mmm.” She welcomed the kiss.
    “You’re so beautiful.”
    She smiled groggily, opened her eyes, and frowned. He had on his uniform.
    “I have to go to work,” he explained. “There will be a police car posted outside at all times while I’m gone.”
    “What time is it?”
    “Midnight twelve or noon twelve?”
    He smiled down at her. “Noon.”
    “When do you get off?”
    “Nine.” He pinched her

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