A Pinstriped Finger's My Only Friend

Free A Pinstriped Finger's My Only Friend by Robert T. Jeschonek

Book: A Pinstriped Finger's My Only Friend by Robert T. Jeschonek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert T. Jeschonek
twelve, then twenty, all bolting downward--boys and girls, seniors and sophomores and freshmen alike. But they're just the first raindrops ahead of the storm.
    Seconds later, the rest of the school's population plunges down like a fusillade of missiles...hundreds of teenage bodies blasting out of the clouds. So many familiar faces, all zipping and spinning and weaving as they peel toward us. And that roar , that hurricane roar. I finally realize what it is.
    (The voices of hundreds of students rushing out of the sky, all talking and laughing and shouting at once!)
    Judd's hair whips in the wake of the soaring students as they flow past us in a mighty wave. The ground actually rumbles from the force of their passage.
    (What a sight ! What a feeling !)
    The whole vast tide pours through the golden gates and into the floating campus. When the bulk of the cascade ends, a few stragglers are left to zip after it, some in small groups, some alone.
    And Judd is alone, too...
    (Except for me!)
    ...left standing down below, just as helpless to reach the lofty compound as before.
    "Well that sucks." I flick from side to side, my way of shaking my head. "You mean to tell me not one of those jerks could give us a lif--"
    Before I can finish my sentence...
    (I hate being cut off , by the way! Fingers are like that!)
    ...someone swoops down and grabs us off the ground! Next thing I know, we're barreling up and through the gates, heading straight for the giant front door of West Beach High.
    Who's doing the carrying, you ask? I'll give you a clue: She's kissing the hell out of Judd!
    (Now that's a taxi service!)
    Does the name Kaela ring a bell? Good, but this ain't her! The girl who's slobbering all over Judd is none other than Eva .
    Who, apparently, is a little more...
    (...shall we say...)
    ... aggressive in this version of reality. She's got her tongue halfway down his throat while flying at a high rate of speed!
    (And her hands aren't exactly idle , either!)
    Eva whisks us through the front door and down the corridor, which is like fifty feet high! It needs to be, what with all the kids flying around.
    (Their lockers are in the heights and in the ceiling itself!)
    We zoom all the way to the central pyramid, zipping around kids in the way with the greatest of ease. The whole time, she's kissing Judd with her eyes closed, never looking up once that I can see.
    (Chick must have some kind of radar .)
    Then, she lands gently in the middle of the pyramid, in the square of multicolored light cast down by the stained glass peak. And that's where she gives him the kiss to end all kisses, surrounded by flying students swooping this way and that, before she leans back and gazes into his eyes.
    Which is when we see that her eyes are as golden and glowing as the walls of the floating campus.
    Judd pulls back instantly, shocked at the sight. She just grabs hold of his arm and hauls him in tight again.
    (I never knew the girl was so strong! )
    "You are so hot." She gazes at him, which is when I notice that her eyes aren't the only things about her that glow. In fact, everything about her seems to radiate a soft, golden aura. She's wearing a basketball uniform--a purple tank top jersey and purple shorts--and even that seems to radiate golden light. "I'm the luckiest girl in school, having you as my boyfriend."
    "Thanks." Judd's a little nervous now that he's keyed in on her golden eyes and full-body glow. "I think you're awesome, too."
    Just as she kisses him again, the sound of ringing bells fills the pyramid--big, echoing bells like you might hear in a giant cathedral. People start scattering.
    Eva breaks the clinch. "Let's go! We've got to hurry or we'll be late for our first game!"
    "Game?" says Judd. "You mean class?"
    Eva pulls him with her as she heads down a hallway. "Class? What the heck's a class ?"
    Judd gives me a look, and I know his next comment's for me.
    (Though he doesn't seem too keen on talking to his pinky finger in front of his

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