Kassidy's Crescendo

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Book: Kassidy's Crescendo by Marianne Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marianne Evans
Tags: Christian fiction
You’re listening, can You please help me out? I’m new to this. Awkward, for sure, and I need some guidance. I’m searching—in lots of ways. I need quantification. I need to know you’re real.
    I know you well and deep, My son. You’re Mine, and those who seek Me will always find Me.
    There it was again, that voice, that instruction, even harder-hitting this time. Tightness closed his throat. A stinging override of emotion forced him to breathe deep and find his way back to center.
    Pew by pew, starting from the front, parishioners filed forward to receive Communion. Drew watched until a subtle nudge from Kassidy snagged his attention. She tipped her head close and a waft of rose and vanilla tickled his nose. “Do you see the couple that just stepped into the aisle?”
    “Yes.” They were younger, following after folks who appeared to be their friends or perhaps family members. The pair moved into line for Communion, arms crossed over their chests.
    Kassidy looked into his eyes. “Everyone is invited forward, because no one should feel like they’re apart from God’s love. Come with us, arms folded, and you won’t receive the Eucharist, but you’ll be given a blessing from the priest.”
    Like he deserved that? He had no time to comment because their pew was summoned by an usher who allowed entry into the main aisle. Drew’s legs felt heavy, his steps labored by insecurity. Nonetheless, he followed after Kassidy and watched those ahead of him, gauging what might happen, trying to rebuke intimidation.
    Kassidy approached the lip of the altar. Bowing her head, she took a final step toward the priest. Looking up, she opened her folded hands and accepted the Host in her palm. Her reverence wrapped around him as he followed, and met the kind, dark-eyed gaze of the priest. Father extended a hand, made a sign of the cross.
    “May the love and peace of Christ live within you forever. Amen.”
    “Amen,” Drew whispered.
    He returned to the pew and knelt, but had no idea what to say, or how to approach a God he had only now begun to consider.
    All the same, he couldn’t deny the vibration that moved through his soul like a summons.
    After Mass, the crew disbursed for a late breakfast then a few hours of rest before sound check and the evening’s performance.
    Kassidy seemed in no rush to leave. Farewells were exchanged, but she stayed put in the pew and Drew stuck close.
    Gradually the sanctuary emptied. Silence, soothing and welcome, filled the air.
    “I’m so glad you came with us, Drew. Until I saw you in the hotel lobby, I had no idea how much it meant to me. I hope you enjoyed Mass.”
    “I did.” The words were sincere. “I felt a lot more comfortable than I thought I would.”
    “I’m glad for that.” Kassidy paused. “Before we go, I wondered if I could do something.”
    His arm rested along the back of the long, wooden seat. He curved it in slightly, dancing fingertips against her shoulders, along a soft wave of her hair. “What’s that?”
    “I want to pray with you.”
    Drew’s caress went still. Her hesitance was laced by a sense of hope he could all but taste. That fact touched him and softened the hardness in his heart about matters of faith.
    “Of course.”
    Not knowing what else to do, Drew straightened and clasped his hands. Did she expect anything from him, or—
    Kassidy closed her eyes, breathed. He didn’t lower his head. Instead, he watched her, captivated. She slid her hands against his and rested them there.
    “Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for a wonderful time of worship. Connecting to You is a gift and a blessing to me. I’m grateful for Drew. I’m grateful for his presence on the tour, and in my life. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know him better. Jesus, please bless and guide him always.”
    Restfulness held sway. Drew wanted to add a few words of his own but uncertainty stood in the way, a peace-blocking sentinel. A frustrating blockade. What could he

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