Kassidy's Crescendo

Free Kassidy's Crescendo by Marianne Evans

Book: Kassidy's Crescendo by Marianne Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marianne Evans
Tags: Christian fiction
    As soon as the doors slid open, he heard laughter and familiar voices. Drew cleared his throat and slowly stepped across the threshold.
    Hesitation became a debilitating ice-stroke against his arms and legs as he approached his colleagues. A storm of doubt and uncertainty brought his footsteps to a stop.
    Perhaps he had made a mistake. Should he even infringe upon the scene?
    He noticed Paul Moreland carrying on a conversation with Liam. The head sound tech did nothing to hide his surprise when he noticed Drew’s arrival. Surprise, and unless Drew was mistaken, a hearty level of skepticism as well.
    Paul arched a brow and returned his attention to Liam; Drew nearly fled for the elevator. This was ridiculous. What was he thinking?
    Those who seek Me will always find Me.
    Drew froze in place. Shook his head. Where on earth had that come from? How could a whisper roll like thunder? How could simple words vibrate through his head, his chest, with such resonating power? The message held him in an odd form of suspense.
    His seeking gaze drifted to Kassidy. A white blouse, paired with a simple black skirt, black leather pumps, was so classic in style, yet at the same time…Drew swallowed against a dry throat and a flood of need…impeccably feminine. Thick waves of hair slid against her shoulders as she laughed, eyes dancing while she carried on what appeared to be a playful, animated conversation with Aileen. Typical.
    When she tossed her hair, she spotted him. A flash of joyful surprise was enhanced by a radiant smile. The light in her eyes sent doubt scattering into sweet, soft winds. She left Aileen behind without much more than a fast backward glance and hasty dismissal.
    “Hey, Drew.”
    Her greeting was smooth and breezy, but the possessive way she slid her arm through his, the wave of happiness that warmed her aura, cued him in on how much his presence meant.
    So worth the doubt struggles, Drew thought.
    “Hey yourself, KC.” Suddenly restless, not quite knowing what to do with his hands, he stuffed them in his pockets and continued to survey the growing group.
    “I’m so glad to see you.”
    “Surprised is probably more like it, huh?” Drew gave her an uncertain grin, shuffled his feet a bit. Kassidy continued to hold on tight, her connection a welcome antidote to his gradually lessening nerves.
    “More like relieved.”
    “Relieved?” Not what he expected—but Kassidy always managed to catch him off guard.
    “I’m relieved I didn’t scare you off, or come on too strong the other night.”
    “You’re fine.”
    “You say fine, others would probably say bossy.”
    Drew laughed; shoulder tensions eased. “Not at all. You woke me up, actually.”
    She peered at him, waiting, so Drew assured her with a tender look, with the feathery stroke of his fingertips against her cheek. “I just…well…you fueled a desire to check things out for myself. I want to see what going to church is all about.”
    She turned into his touch, and her smile never wavered. “Will you sit with me?”
    Lifelines came in no prettier package. He covered her hand with his. “I was hoping you’d ask.”
    The last few stragglers arrived, and the assemblage trekked to church. During services, Drew followed Kassidy’s lead. There were songs and readings and prayers that the bulk of the congregation seemed to know by heart. In those instances, she leaned against him and shared an open missal.
    The pattern of the Mass followed a traditional set of prayers, Scripture offerings, hymns, and a sermon. There was stillness here, a restful sense of contentment that Drew soaked in like a healing balm. The only shaky part came when the priest began to prepare for Communion.
    What was he supposed to do about that ?
    Doubts homed in all over again, but he joined Kassidy when she knelt.
    He bowed his head, closed his eyes, not quite knowing what to say to the Almighty—except:
    God, You don’t know me, but, if You’re there, and if

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