biting down hard on her bare knuckles.
    As the initial fiery pain of their growth
subsided, she left the comforting warmth of his body, desperately
trying to distance herself from him.
    She stood and carefully dressed him in his
    The sight of Uvall, this great demon lying
prone, immobile, at her mercy, and so very vulnerable, caught at
her heart painfully. She couldn't breathe. She lay down on the bed
next to him and kissed him goodbye. Every inch of his beautiful
face, which would never see this world again, she bathed with
kisses. Her red tears flowed like a river. She had no idea why she
felt such an ache for him.
    Was it purely his drug of seduction? Was it
his looks? Was it his beguiling eyes? Was it simply her hunger for
a man's touch?
    She felt not. It was a connection. They had
a deeper connection. Somehow, an angel and a demon had found
something they wanted in each other. It was the most adverse of
couplings. A bizarre oddity. But all the same, the most beautiful
experience of her life. Being with him these last few hours had
been better than any human relationship she'd ever had. It was
hard, heady, raw, base, intense, tender and all of it so deeply
touching. He'd given her everything of himself. And she'd given all
of herself to him. And she hadn't just given him her body, it had
been more than that. Much more.
    She wished she'd known more of what he
planned for the world of men. The depth of his darker side. He
obviously had one or else he wouldn't be in Hell. But although she
knew this, she'd also seen, that it was not necessary to be that
wicked, to find yourself in hell. Poor Selena hadn't been that
wicked and she'd been cast there. Lila herself would have been sent
there if it wasn't for Gehove's plan.
    Didn't the fact that Gehove had used me this
way, mean he had an evil streak too?
    He seemed to be evil minded when he spoke of
letting Uvall die on his altar, agonizingly slowly, through his
neglect. She felt there was more to this situation with Uvall, than
merely giving the two finger sign to the devil. She knew Gehove had
history with Uvall, as Castilla had mentioned it in passing,
although she didn't know the story behind it, she'd heard there was
    Lila was beginning to wonder how she was
being used. Why didn't Gehove send the Avenging angels after Uvall?
Three of them would have been enough to ensure his death. The
Avenging angels were highly trained in swordsmanship. He could have
been put to death with no drama and with great speed. Or they could
have captured him much the same as she had. Not with seduction, but
with force.
    The fact she was here, doing this, had more
to it than she knew. Gehove wanted Uvall to die in a way that made
him no martyr. In a way that made him undesirable to the devil,
maybe? He'd failed because of a woman; one who was half angel at
that. She wasn't sure how the devil would see it in his bigger
picture. Or even if she was barking up the wrong tree. She was
conjecturing and surmising. She didn't have all the facts at her
disposal, and that could be a dangerous thing.
    But whatever she felt, she had done it now.
She had him ready for handing over. She dressed. As best she could
in her tube dress, now that her wings were fully grown.
    She placed the flat of her hand on the
window and summoned her lightning to break the glass. It shattered
into a million little pieces, just like her heart.
    Then she gathered him up in her arms. Lila
was strong. She was a seraph. Uvall was no weight for her to carry,
despite his size. She kissed his lips once more, looking into his
eyes, open and staring, and now pitch black, looking very much the
demon he was. Clutching him tightly to her, she walked back and
took a run through the open space into the hot night air beyond.
Her wings flapped and she soared toward the Gates of Heaven, a
place she knew very well. She soared faster than the speed of light
and landed in a short minute at her destination.
    Two male seraph, whose names she

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