Merrick: Harlequins MC

Free Merrick: Harlequins MC by Olivia Stephens

Book: Merrick: Harlequins MC by Olivia Stephens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Stephens
do something so stupid as to steal from you, and you found out, in the long run, it would have cost us far more than we would gain. Not to mention the danger it would bring to our families. Trust me, Señor Abana, we know who we are dealing with and we do not want you angry with us.”
    Abana looked into Merrick’s eyes, taking a measure of the man. “If not you, then who? You have told me more than once you control Laredo. I control Nuevo Laredo. I’ve heard nothing of anyone moving into my territory. Where have these mysterious motorcycle men come from?”
    “I don’t know, Señor Abana, but I will find out. You have my word. When we do we will make our displeasure with them clear.”
    “If you find these men, I want you to bring them to me, or tell me who they are. I can’t allow them to attack my house without repercussions.”
    “As soon as I know, I will pass the information along to you.”
    “You can have my next shipment of guns to me next week?”
    “If nothing goes wrong in customs, yes. You weren’t scheduled for delivery of these guns for almost another month, but as soon as we have them in our possession, I’ll call you and schedule delivery.”
    “You have been selling me guns for a long time, Merrick. As you said, I was buying from your father before you. But this is bad business. Your Harley-Davidson motorcycles aren’t as popular in Mexico as the United States. I’m convinced these men are Americans. If I find out it was your…club…even without your knowledge, it would be unfortunate for you and your men.”
    “Señor Abana, I would know if it were any of my men. I assure you, it wasn’t us. When did this happen?”
    “The day I sent you the email. My people called me as soon as it was over, and I immediately sent you the email. We returned from Brazil only yesterday.”
    “Señor Abana, for the past several days all my men have been accounted for every minute of the day on another job. There is no possible way we could have done it, even without my knowledge.”
    Abana stood. “Then find out who it was and either bring them to me or tell me where I can find them. They made a grave mistake attacking me and my house. I will make sure they serve as a warning to any others who may consider attacking me.”
    Merrick rose and extended his hand. This time Abana took it. “We’ll find them if they can be found. But with nothing to go on…” He shrugged.
    Abana nodded in understanding. “I understand the difficulty of your task. I have put additional security on my house, but these men have to answer for what they did. If I can help you find these men, you only need ask. I will provide whatever help I can.”
    “Let us see what we can turn up, but it may be a while before I have information for you.”
    Abana gave him a curt nod then walked away without a glance.
    “Well?” Jason asked as Abana’s big white Mercedes glided away.
    “A group of men on motorcycles hit his compound. They killed five of his guys and took a bunch of money and either most or all of the guns from the last shipment.”
    “And he thinks we did it? Why?”
    “He’s convinced the men were Americans. He’s probably right.”
    “That doesn’t mean it was us!”
    “No, and I think he understands that now, but we’ve been tasked with finding out who they were.”
    Jason stared at him a moment. “And just how the fuck are we supposed to do that?”
    Merrick snorted. “I have no fucking idea.”
    “Yeah. When we get back to the clubhouse, I’ll start putting some feelers out.”
    “We can be pretty damn sure it didn’t come out of Laredo.” Merrick said as he brought Randy, Tim, and Kyle, along with the rest of the core team, up to speed. “Everyone here knows Abana and they would have to be seven kinds of stupid to go after him. So who’s left? Houston, maybe? San

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