Starr, Ellen - Wolf's Passion [The Joined] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Free Starr, Ellen - Wolf's Passion [The Joined] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Ellen Starr

Book: Starr, Ellen - Wolf's Passion [The Joined] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Ellen Starr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellen Starr
down her face. He nodded, kissing her ear. She winced at the sharp pinprick of his teeth nipping her earlobe.
    “I don’t like it, but I do understand.” He let her go, stepping back to look at her, his own eyes glistening with unshed tears.
    Without a word, she got in her car. Her purse lay on the passenger seat. She looked at it for a few seconds. Right where she left it, as if it had not been touched. She took out her keys, starting the car before she looked up at Wolf for the last time. “I won’t tell anyone.”
    His perfect Cupid’s bow lips curved upward into a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Doesn’t matter. Who would believe you anyway?”
    She nodded, biting her bottom lip. “Wolf.”
    “Follow the dirt road to the highway, turn right, don’t stop until you get to Dead Man. Dolores will think twice about following you there.” Wolf turned and walked toward the trail down into the canyon. By the time he reached the rim, he was running. Cora put the car into gear, driving down the dusty dirt road to the rest of her life.

Chapter Fourteen:
    Back to Reality

    Cora didn’t look back. Well, not much anyway. Leaving was something she had to do. As much as she wanted to, she could not stay in the canyon. There were no other cars on the highway. The desert looked lonely and more than a little bleak. Cora glanced down at the gas gauge to find the needle on full. She smiled to herself. Rafe must have filled it up when he retrieved her car from the convenience store. She was thankful for his thoughtfulness. Stopping out in the desert was not high on her list of things she wanted to do again. Cora sighed. The drive to the Dead Man dude ranch where she had booked her room would not take long. She’d be there before full dark. She was hungry, but stopping for food did not appeal to her at the moment. Better to keep driving. With a sigh she let her thoughts wander. Werewolves . She had thought the creatures to be some Hollywood fantasy. With a chuckle she shook her head. They were fantasy, just not the kind most people thought of. Wolf had to be one of the best lovers she could remember ever having besides Jean-Paul. Dale gave his Alpha a run for his money as well. Cora sighed. Too bad she could not have made love with Rafe before she left.
    She thought of Jean-Paul waiting for her back in New Orleans. A pang of guilt made her bite her lip. He loved her. To take this any farther than it had already gone would bring disaster. A tiny shred of doubt began to eat at her. What if she truly was the no-good slut her family always said she was? What if Jean-Paul threw her out?
    Cora forced these thoughts away. She made herself think of Jean-Paul’s words. “You have nothing to be ashamed of in sharing your body with those you are attracted to.” She hoped he remembered saying that to her. She hoped she knew him as well as she thought she did.

    * * * *

    Dale joined Wolf at the rim of the canyon. Together they watched Cora drive away. Wolf reached out, putting his arm around Dale’s shoulders. “Didn’t she like us?” Dale asked, soft spoken as always.
    “I think she liked us too much. It scared her.” Wolf listened to the silence around them. He heard her thoughts like a faint buzz of hummingbird wings flitting from one flower to the next. They turned to go. Chores did not wait for hurting hearts or reluctant lovers. Halfway down the trail, a stench hit Wolf’s senses. Dale smelled it as well, his nose wrinkled in disgust. He turned to see Dolores walking down the trail behind them. His hackles rose. “You’re not welcome here,” he snarled, his teeth bared. Behind him, Dale growled softly.
    “Really? I saw your little slut leaving. I’m your last chance to keep this place. Join me before I lose patience and withdraw the offer.” Dolores tilted her head, smiling, holding out her hand.
    “No.” Wolf stated his refusal, as plainly direct as possible. Arguing with the woman never got anywhere.

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