The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2)

Free The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2) by Claire Merrington

Book: The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2) by Claire Merrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Merrington
to him instead.”
    The two officers tried several times to radio through to Eric when they were almost ready to give up, and they were just suggesting about driving Jane back to the station themselves for safety aspects, when he finally responded with an I’m over here. Where he meant by over here Jane had no idea. There was something in Eric’s voice, as well that Jane didn’t like. It was causing her to be nervous and cautious. They all ventured further forward into the parking lot to have a better look round when they spotted Eric over in the corner. Crouching but almost collapsed on the floor next to what looked like a body. Jane started to run towards Eric filled with panic as to who it was and how it could of happened. As she was running Eric started to shout out.
                  “Jane, stop wait you don’t want to see this.”
    “Eric, who is it, what has happened? What’s going on what don’t I want to see?”
    But it was too late Jane had not stopped in time she saw. There was Jack splayed out on the floor. Jane couldn’t believe what she was seeing how had this happened. But either way it had. Jack was gone. He was dead.
    Chapter 7
    Jane collapsed on the ground next to Eric she couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t understand how it could of happened. There was a five street perimeter. How did Thaddeus get inside the area to kill Jack? Unless, no that was an even scarier thought, what if, what if he had never left Jane’s apartment block after he delivered the body. What if he was still here watching, waiting, getting off on all the fear and panic caused by his bombs and now the murder of a fellow colleague? Eric who had been working closely with Jack in the last few months looked bereft with grief. He was more than distraught. He had really taken a shine to the young Jack and had taken him under his wing. Jack who was the youngest member of their team still had so much enthusiasm for life and his work. He really felt the police force could make a difference. Jane knew she needed to focus her brain more dwelling on the loss of Jack was not going to honour his memory or do him justice. But it was so hard to get her brain to focus when the cloud of grief had engulfed every ounce of Jane. But with Jacks belief that the police force could change the world for the better she had to make sure that he hadn’t died in vain. Jane reached into her pocket and pulled out her mobile phone. She called back to the station to tell the rest of the team that they needed to drop everything they were doing and get back here. They asked questions but Jane did not want to tell them the circumstances over the phone. She just told them there had been an emergency with a member of their team and they needed to hurry. Jane’s escorting police officers radioed through for backup from the perimeter line that no longer needed to be held. Two units were the first to respond and were there within minutes. There was a lot more of a police presence at the perimeter line that was no longer needed and they were all doing the job of slowly letting the people back safely in the area. Jack who was still laying in the same position as when Eric found him had now since long passed. But Jane could not bring herself to take a closer look at any injuries he may have had. Dave the coroner was still upstairs collecting the body of the victim that they had been called here for first. They needed to know the cause of death and any answers that they could get from Jack so that they could lay his body to rest like he deserved.
    “Can someone go get the coroner please?”
    One of the extra police units that had arrived obliged and went up to notify the coroner and to collect him to come downstairs to have a look. Eric was still sitting there with blood on his hands from when he had first found Jack and tried to revive him. And

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