Socially Unacceptable
    Thinking about him sitting next to her with
his dick out, made her pussy ache all over again. She envisioned
his firm erection pointing upward right where she could see it. Or
maybe he’d pull a blanket over his lap so he could sneakily stroke
himself while next to her. She hoped she’d feel him shake, so she
could picture the motion of his wrist beating his fist up and down
his shaft. No matter what he did, she’d be turned on.
    Her daddy carefully opened his pants and
pulled down his waist band. Then she felt it. Seth buried his head
between her closed legs. His hot cap easily slipped into her soaked
folds. The heat of their two sexes made Genie burn with desire. Her
daddy dropped his mouth to her side and let out a quiet breath of
agony. He wanted her so badly, she could feel his anguish between
her legs. His cock twitched with violent yearning, and clearly he
struggled with terrible need to keep from thrusting into her with
wild lust.
    Seth flexed his ass for firm pressure, and
pinned their pulsating points together. They throbbed in unison;
the beat caressed and soothed them. Genie let him get away with
imposing himself on her, and ignored his cock as best she could.
She even happily agreed with impossible ignorance when he asked,
“Would you be more comfortable if you lay your leg over my
    “I think so,” she said. She propped up her
leg on his, and kept her thighs as wide as possible for him.
Without panties and pussy vulnerably spread, he had free access to
grind his head up and down the length of her slit. With his hand
guiding his strokes, he drove up her folds with slow, firm
    He brushed his mouth along her side, and
murmured a sexy satisfied groan. “Is it okay I’m doing this,
    “Yeah, I love it, daddy. You feel good.”
    “Do you want me to kiss under your bra?”
    She knew he wanted so much more than that. In
response, she lifted her shirt with a smile, turned her tits toward
him, and then tucked the cups under her breasts so he could play
with her nipples. “Maybe right here, and here,” she said, brushed
to her erect pink tips with her index finger, pointing out her
perfect bite size peaks.
    “Whatever you want, I want,” he reminded
    With his legs, he pushed off the couch and
pressed his cockhead firmly against her core with remarkable
strength. Her wet entrance slowly started to stretch for his tip.
The intense sting returned, but she continued to situate her top
for daddy, and moaned out her wishes because of his stern
    “You can kiss this one first.”
    He reached for her nipple, and his plump end
bore down against her tight cave with even more power. Seth sucked
her nipple as her pussy gradually opened for him. Slowly she
welcomed her daddy’s tip. Little by little, her entrance slacked
and drew back; her delicate red skin wrapped around the wet groove
of his glands and eventually swallowed the round meat of his tip.
Finally his ridge sank in, and his entire cockhead penetrated her
virgin sex. He had to maintain firm pressure to make her opening
surrender, and keep his cap inside.
    She whimpered and whined but he held her with
a tight embrace. They didn’t pump to work him in, but he let her
virgin pussy yield to him. Her tunnel slowly released its tension
as he plunged in deeper and deeper. She panted louder every inch he
took. She could feel her lair tightly hug his shaft as if trying to
stop him from entering, but they never let up. His rigid girth
slowly powered through, until he prevailed and finally reached her
back wall.
    “Daddy,” she whined. His girth stretched with
remarkable pleasure.
    He stayed close. He looked up into her eyes
when he kissed around her nipple with soft pecks. “How is this
    “Perfect,” she squeezed his cock, and the
tightness stung painfully, but Seth knew enough to lick her pink
tip and let her strained core ease. She cocked her head to the side
to watch his lips graze her skin, mesmerized by his

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