Mantle: The Return of the Sha

Free Mantle: The Return of the Sha by Gary Bregar

Book: Mantle: The Return of the Sha by Gary Bregar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Bregar
fairies, precious stones, or glass. The magic of Terra was interspersed among its inhabitants and varied greatly. If any claim to fame could be made by the Terrans, it was the produce that was grown to taste more magnificent than any other in the kingdom. Its livestock also had powers to produce tools and affect the weather and climate of the surrounding area. But even though nearly everything and everyone in the village was touched by magic in some way, there were no structures built of gold, no roads paved in glass, and no jewel-encrusted robes draping the backs of its residents. The streets were lined with simple wooden structures, painted in a wide variety of colors, and the surrounding hills were peppered with cottages and farms with rows of crops embedded into the sides of the hills. Farther outside of the town center, the land became flat with large fields of crops that could be seen for miles in every direction.
    When the king stepped off his coach with Balki following behind, he was met once again by the mayorgovern of Terra. He was, of course , a short stocky man, and the king gave a brief and silent chuckle at the sight of him.
    When Balki stepped off the coach, however, he was overcome with a sense of dread. The inflock had sensed a dangerous presence on the land, something in complete contradiction of its own evil existence. Balki became flush and nearly collapsed after only a moment.
    “Majesty,” said the mayorgovern, “may I have the honor of welcoming you to our humble village?”
    “Thank you, Mayorgovern; it seems we have saved the most enthusiastic for last. It has been a long journey and it appears that my traveling companion, who has just joined us from Maske, seems to be a bit ill. Could you please assist young Balki Touro with a drink?”
    “Yes, right away, sir.”
    The mayorgovern brought a simple glass filled with water and handed it to Balki, who quickly drank it to the end. It appeared to be simple water; however, it rejuvenated him to full strength immediately. He suspected that it had been enchanted as a remedy of some kind, but he voiced no complaint. The inflock, however, did not appreciate the magic of Terra being used so deliberately and openly without warning. What could it do, though? Balki was certain to use any remedy available to cure his physical discomfort. That was a basic need that the inflock would not have control over—at least for now.
    Terra had constructed a stage, just as all of the other villages had. It was a simple design made of wood, but it had been painted a color of white that seemed to reflect the rays of the sun as if it were made of pearl. It wasn’t, since Forris had no seas, but the illusion was there all the same.
    As the king stepped onto the stage, he looked out over the crowd. He estimated that there were nearly a thousand Terrans standing about waiting for him to speak. Zander, looking over the crowd, wondered if the person or thing that would lift his curse was somewhere near. He choked up at the thought that his curse might not be lifted and nearly shed a tear at the thought of it.
    “People of Terra, thank you for such an enthusiastic and welcoming reception. I am certainly the most fortunate of all the kings of Mantle.
    “Throughout my journeys these past months, I have witnessed extraordinary things—Fories working together, not only for the betterment of themselves, but also for the elevation of the happiness of those around them. We are truly a selfless people and we care for one another as brothers and sisters of the same family. I have never before been so inspired as I have during my tour of this great kingdom.
    “The village of Terra, while of a simpler nature than some, is vital to the success of the kingdom. My father, King Alexo, always had a special place set aside in his heart for this village. He spoke often to me of the good nature and kindness of the Terrans. He spoke of the pride that the Terrans have in their crops, and the

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