Endurance (Heart of Stone)

Free Endurance (Heart of Stone) by D H Sidebottom

Book: Endurance (Heart of Stone) by D H Sidebottom Read Free Book Online
Authors: D H Sidebottom
stimulant it
    “Then fucking ask!” he growled at me as he rammed into me
so deeply I yelped at the intrusion, “Fucking - Ask!”
    Greg moaned loudly as Courtney manoeuvred herself over
him and slid down his prominent cock, my eyes watching as each inch of him
disappeared inside her dripping pussy. She didn’t waste time, her body lifting
and lowering on him immediately.
    Mason grasped my chin and turned me back to him, “You
don’t watch until you tell me what you need.”
    Although a part of me hated this, asking for the one
thing that would drive me over even though he knew exactly what it was, I also
relished in the blaze that fired his eyes every time I muttered the words.
    I clamped my ankles together behind his hips and lifted,
grinding my hips deliciously against his pelvis, jolting a shot of pleasure
through my inflamed clit. His teeth ravaged his bottom lip as he struggled to
hold back, the sounds of Greg and Courtney’s erotic fucking making our control
even harder. “Make me.”
    He scoffed with stubborn delight as his eyes flashed
wildly, “If you insist, baby.”
    I gasped as he pulled out briskly, grabbed my hips and
flipped me over, his movements quite gentle as he strived not to hurt me. One
of his large hands pressed on my lower back as his other spanned the nape of my
neck and pushed the side of my face against the mattress.
    His knee slid between my legs as he nudged them apart
widely, opening me up to him without shame. “You asked for it, Ava.”
    I yelped as he plunged inside me, the full length of him
forcing me further into the softness of the bed. “Fuck!” I rasped as he started
his frantic fucking. As his thrusts intensified he rose up until he was
straddled over my back, each knee beside my thighs as he fucked me severely
across the bed.
    I couldn’t take any more, I was sure I was going to pass
out with the frazzled edge of my climax balancing on the verge of pain and
ecstasy. “Mason!”
    “Do it, Ava.” He shouted as his hand ripped at my hair
and yanked my head back. “Ask me!”
    “Fuck it… Bite me, fucking bite me.”
    Lights exploded as my body snapped the binding holding it
hostage. Mason roared into my neck as his teeth punctured my skin and his cum
flooded my pussy, the warmth of it hitting each nerve inside me and prolonging
my climax. I heard Courtney and Greg’s choked screams as they joined Mason and
me into the pit of nirvana. Mason was still bucking and jerking above me, his
body bridged over mine so not to put pressure on my ribs but I was sure I had
ruptured another with the power I had just come with.
    “Jesus – fucking – Christ” he breathed in my ear as he
rolled off me and flopped to my side.
    I shifted until I was facing him and grinned, “See, I
told you it was a good idea to bring me home.”
    He smirked but nodded as he cupped my cheek, “Happy
Anniversary, baby.”
    “Mmmm, and you.”
    “It’s mine and Greg’s next month. Same again?” Courtney
shouted from somewhere on the floor.
    “Dear God, I love you.” I laughed as her knickers sailed
over the bed and hit me full force in the face.
    “I know” She sighed happily, “But not as much as you love
the smell of my knickers, you dirty tart.”

Chapter 14
    I stood watching the two women face each other
wordlessly. Their eyes were fixed and reflective on each other but neither one
    It honestly confused me. Ava just stood passive and
broody as she regarded her antagonist, a woman who had not forty eight hours
ago kicked the shit out of her and set a psychotic bastard on her.
    I folded my arms across my chest as I waited impatiently.
Sam squinted at me across the room but I shrugged, “Fucked if I know” I mouthed
to him.
    Eventually Vickie sighed and rolled her eyes. “Well come
on, at least fucking smack me and put us both out of our misery.”
    Ava scoffed, “I doubt a smack could ever put you out of
your incessant misery.”
    Greg grinned and readied

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