The Buccaneers' Code

Free The Buccaneers' Code by Caroline Carlson

Book: The Buccaneers' Code by Caroline Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Carlson
their cause. They are led by Pirate Hilary Westfield, the Terror of the Southlands, who aims to seize control of the League from its rightful president, Captain Rupert Blacktooth. If she dares to approach you, do not allow her to enlist you in her ranks! According to League regulations, Pirate Westfield may not be harmed, but the VNHLP recommends that all scallywags on the High Seas stay as far from her as possible. Do not talk to Pirate Westfield. Do not look her in the eye. Do not be lured into conversation with her gargoyle. Any pirate who is seen communicating with Pirate Westfield or her friends will be interrogated, stripped of his cutlass, and keelhauled by Captain Blacktooth. And remember: each loyal scallywag who chooses to support the president in his battle against Pirate Westfield will receive a purse of magic coins and a new hat feather of his choice.
    â€œBribing pirates with magic and hat feathers!” said Jasper, who was reading the notice over Hilary’s shoulder. “That’s awfully underhanded, even for Blacktooth.”
    â€œI’m more concerned about the bit where he says he’ll keelhaul anyone who dares to speak to us.” Hilary felt rather like keelhauling Blacktooth himself, but she settled instead for glaring at Mr. Theodore. “And I suppose these notices are tacked to the walls of every groggery and pirate lodging in Augusta.”
    â€œI expect so,” said Mr. Theodore. “My guests tell me that Captain Blacktooth tends to be quite . . . thorough.”
    â€œThat’s one way of putting it,” Charlie said. “We’ll be lucky if we get two pirates to join us, let alone two hundred.”
    â€œOh, drat.” The gargoyle hung his head. “If no one’s allowed to talk to me, how will I ever be famous?”
    Hilary looked around at the dozens of pirates who were staring resolutely into their bowls of stew. “We can’t give up so easily,” she told her mates. “We can’t let Blacktooth win before we’ve even begun to fight him! Perhaps some of these pirates will listen to reason.”
    â€œI really must insist that you leave,” Mr. Theodore said. “I won’t have you putting my guests in danger.”
    â€œBut your guests are pirates!” said Hilary. “They love danger!” She dodged Mr. Theodore and stepped back up on the chair. “Ahoy!” she called.
    Some of the pirates in the room groaned. Otherspressed their napkins over their eyes to avoid getting an accidental glimpse of Hilary. One pirate leered at her; his gold teeth shone like doubloons.
    â€œI know you aren’t allowed to talk to me,” she said, “and I won’t ask you to risk your necks on my account. But I’d like you all to know one thing before I leave: if I defeat Captain Blacktooth—I mean, when I defeat him—I won’t ever punish you just for looking at another scallywag. Only the most cowardly pirates make those sorts of threats.” She jumped down from her chair. “I’m going back to my ship now. If you want to help me stop the VNHLP from turning as rotten as Blacktooth’s breath, I hope you’ll join me.”
    The pirates stared at Hilary with their mouths open wide. Mr. Theodore held the door open wider. “Good-bye,” he said as she led her mates out of the dining room, “and for heaven’s sake, please don’t ever come back.”
    When they reached the main deck, Hilary flopped down in a lounge chair. “I believe I would have preferred it if they’d used my skull for lawn bowling.”
    Miss Greyson patted her knee with a mittened hand. “Cheer up,” she said. “You may have convinced a pirate or two.”
    The gargoyle tilted his head. “I hear footsteps,” he said. “Our supporters must be on their way!”
    Hilary scrambled to her feet as the gold-toothed pirate from the dining room crossed the

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