Patrica Rice

Free Patrica Rice by The English Heiress

Book: Patrica Rice by The English Heiress Read Free Book Online
Authors: The English Heiress
come all this way to visit for the mere pleasure of it. Michael has never once entered these portals without some request in mind,” Marian said. “But you shall both keep me company and take some tea and talk no more of it until afterward, as advance payment for my cooperation.”
    Keeping an eye on the street outside, Michael paced the length of the room behind the sofa where the ladies sat. He recognized his cousin’s perfume with indifference, but the more subtle temptation of Blanche’s sachet drove him to stand as far away as he dared.
    Frustrated, Michael jammed his hands into his pockets and wished himself to Hades. Blanche would make a queen look slovenly. Why didn’t she just marry the duke and get it over with? They obviously belonged together: the slim, elegant duke with his cool indifference and the graceful, lovely Blanche with her passion for family. She would drag out Neville’s better qualities, and Neville could give her the family she craved.
    The idea of it drove a stake through Michael’s heart. He couldn’t eat the sandwiches offered him. The patter of small feet in the hallway outside filled him with immense relief.
    “Cousin Michael!´ The cheerful, small cry buoyed his hopes, and he grinned as he caught the bundle of energy hurtling toward him.
    “Edwina!” Marian cried, scandalized by her daughter’s behavior. “We have guests.”
    Lifting the toddler from the floor, Michael whispered in her ear, “The fairy princess, Lady Blanche, has come to visit, scamp. Make your curtsies, and I will take you for a horsie ride.”
    Grinning from ear to ear, the toddler planted a wet kiss on his cheek, scrambled from his arms, and ran to stand in front of their guest. Bobbing a wobbly curtsy, she lisped obediently, “Good day to you, Printheth Lady Blanche. Thank you for coming.”
    Then with a mischievous glint over her shoulder to Michael, she asked, “Is that good? Ride now?”
    Even this toddler possessed the Lawrence dark good looks, and Michael felt his heart turn over in his chest at her winsome smile. He wanted a daughter just like her someday. He glanced back at Blanche, then wished he hadn’t.
    She looked at the child with such longing.
    Insane , he muttered to himself. She would forget all about the child as soon as he took Edwina out of the room.
    Out of the room.
    Laughter once more dancing in his eyes, Michael held out his arms for the toddler. “Come on, scamp, I’ll give you a horsie ride back to the nursery where you belong.”
    Squealing with delight, the child leapt at the offer. Swinging her up in his arms, Michael propped her on his shoulder, neighed at her command, and trotted out of the room in the direction of the nursery and escape.

    Tears formed in Blanche’s eyes as she watched Michael cradle the beautiful little girl in his arms. His whole face lit with pleasure as the toddler patted his cheeks and kissed his nose. She had seen many expressions on his face before. Michael didn’t always hide his emotions as so many men did, but she’d never seen such love and devotion in his countenance as she saw now.
    When they romped out of the room, Blanche couldn’t face Marian immediately. She had to gain some control of herself. Her arms ached to hold Edwina. She should visit Dillian and hold her godchild for a little while to still the need. But she couldn’t.
    If she were to escape Michael’s overprotective restraints and find Fiona on her own, she must disguise herself and slip away without endangering Marian or anyone. Michael had once showed her how to slip away...
    Blanche gave the open doorway a suspicious glance and inquired urgently, “How far is it to the nursery?”
    “Just up the stairs. Why...” Marian’s eyes widened. She knew Michael even better than Blanche. Abruptly, she rose from the chair and led the way from the room.
    Blanche followed, but she had no illusion about what they would find. Or wouldn’t find. The blasted man had done it

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