Tap Out

Free Tap Out by Eric Devine

Book: Tap Out by Eric Devine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eric Devine
that are busted to hell.
    â€œStill can’t believe that shit with Sagehorn.” Rob swivels on his stool.
    â€œSorry you’re stuck on my twat. Should get some of your won. ”
    Rob opens his mouth to speak but shakes his head, instead.
    â€œAnyway, if Big O believes whatever bullshit she tells him, this may be our last class together.”
    Rob stops swiveling. “Don’t sweat it, Tone. It’ll work out.”
    I feel like telling him he’s an ass for saying something like that, but part of me wants to believe he’s right, so I stay quiet.
    â€œYour next project is going to combine research and hands-on application.” Greyson turns and pulls a cart toward him. Looks like a portable tool unit. But he punches a code on the built-in lock and opens the doors. Laptops? He pulls one out. “Back when I started, you consulted manuals or called guys to find out how to fix things you’d never seen before.
Now,” he taps the computer, “it’s all here.” He sets the laptop on the top of the cart. “If you want to cut it as a mechanic you need to know computers and cars. Therefore, you will be teaching the class about one of the major car systems.”
    The guys murmur. A lot of us don’t have computers, and I rarely use the ones at school.
    Greyson pats the air to calm us. “Don’t worry, you’re not on your own, and these laptops will be here for your use. I’ll get you started.” He crosses to his tool counter and grabs a bucket. “First things first, partner up.”
    I turn to Rob while the rest figure out who’s with who. With these idiots, it could take awhile. “Hey, you know what Jensen’s business is?”
    Rob frowns. “Really, you don’t know?”
    â€œNo, dick, or I wouldn’t be asking. He was talking shit in the bathroom but then said something about staying out of his business. Keeping our mouths shut.”
    Rob’s forehead wrinkles. “Why the fuck would I want to talk about slinging meth?”
    I immediately think of my mother. Shit. “He deals?”
    â€œYeah. For the Front.”
    Everything goes still for a moment. The Front. I know the name, but can’t remember why.
    Rob must see my confusion. “That’s Chaz’s crew. The Agnostic Front.”
    A hole opens inside, and I feel everything pull toward it. Dave is Cameron’s nephew, and if he’s involved with the Front, then I’ll bet Cam is, too. And if Cam’s that close to meth or whatever else their selling, Mom doesn’t have a chance. And neither do I.
    Greyson steps to us. “Grab a slip.” He pushes the bucket between us. I reach in, grab one, and open it.

    â€œCooling and Lubricating.”
    Greyson writes down our names and the system on a clipboard. “All yours.” He moves on to the last group and then passes out a packet for the project. We go through page by page and write in the due dates.
    It’s a fuck lot like school, boring as hell, but it keeps me from having to think about what Rob just revealed. What I should have been aware of all along. I know those tests said I was smart. Even Big O seems to think so. But sometimes I miss the most obvious shit. I have to find some time to think, to figure this out. I get that Big O’s offered me something sweet—even if I’m about to lose it—but if it means because of it I’m pulled closer to the source of my fucking problems, I have to walk away.

    W e spill off the bus and pass Charity’s. The hogs are gone. “You see?” I point and Rob nods.
    â€œCould be a good sign, right?”
    Rob lowers his head against the cold. “Could be.”
    Amy pops out of her trailer, face puffy and eyes red. She’s wearing only jeans and a T-shirt, but she lights up and we wait for her. “They’re gone.” She points with her cigarette.
    â€œSaw that.” Rob steps closer,

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