The Honeymoon Prize

Free The Honeymoon Prize by Melissa McClone

Book: The Honeymoon Prize by Melissa McClone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa McClone
lips moved over hers, wanting more. She tasted salty and sweet like peanuts and chocolate. She smelled like that lotus scent and sunscreen, a potent combination making him lightheaded.
    He didn’t mind. Not one bit.
    Her hunger and eagerness surprised him. No complaints. He’d dreamed of this moment as a randy teen and was not disappointed as a grown adult. His expectations had been exceeded. Ten . . . a hundred fold.
    All he wanted was to keep kissing her.
    A bird squawked. Waves rolled into them. The temperature seemed hotter than a few minutes before. A little heat wouldn’t stop him. Not with a beautiful woman in his arms and her lips against his.
    One kiss, another kiss, he lost track of the kisses and everything else. Not that he cared. His world was complete at the moment. Nothing else mattered, but Addie. Sweet Addie.
    Soft, smooth, wet skin pressed against him. His hands wanted to feel every inch of her. Addie didn’t seem to mind so he touched her. Here, there, everywhere. He couldn’t get enough of her.
    She deepened the kiss. Her tongue explored, tangled, and danced with his.
    Oh, yeah. Tingles shot across nerve endings. Pleasurable sensations pooled in his stomach, fueling the fire building inside. He burned with desire and heat.
    More, he wanted more. He cupped her bottom, bringing her closer to him.
    She wrapped her legs around him, running her fingers through her hair. She arched, pressing her hips against his.
    His groin twitched, tightened. He knew what was coming next.
    Crap. Nick jerked back, not getting far with her legs holding her to him.
    Addie stared up, her lips parted like she wanted another kiss. He would be happy to oblige. No, he wouldn’t. Couldn’t.
    Not with her.
    Nick untangled her legs from him, made sure she was standing before he let go. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten so turned-on by a simple kiss.
    Nothing simple about her kiss, logic said matter-of-factly.
    Shut up. Letting himself get carried away with Addie made him feel like a jerk. He hadn’t been kissing a random woman he wanted to have sex with. He’d been kissing Addie. His friend, the one he was supposed to be looking out for, protecting. He’d failed. Big time.
    Sure he’d had sex with other female friends, but Addie was different. She’d always been different from other girls . . . women. Truth was, he needed her—her understanding, her compassion, her support, more than she needed him. That had always been the case with their friendship.
    He couldn’t screw up. Not with Addie.
    But he’d come close.
    So what if she kissed better than Nick imagined when he was younger? No reason to lose control and want to take her to bed. Hell, a few more minutes and he would have taken her right there, if she’d let him. He swore under this breath.
    Addie wouldn’t meet his gaze. Staring at the horizon, she bit her swollen lower lip, looking like she was ready to bolt. He didn’t blame her for wanting to get away from him. Not after he’d responded to her kisses as if he’d been deployed and cut-off from women for months.
    Calm down, Cahill. Figure out why this happened before you get your panties in a twist.
    The words of his Team Sergeant, otherwise known as “Team Daddy,” sounded in Nick’s head. The voice had been second only to God on his ODA team. You listened and followed directions, which was what Nick would do now.
    A list of why he might have acted the way formed in his mind—strong physical chemistry, attraction pushed aside for too long, not having sex to show his boss he wasn’t a player. Yeah, Nick could explain his reaction to Addie’s kiss. He glanced up at the blue sky and saluted. Thanks, Team Daddy.
    “Cut.” Brad clapped his hand. “You two are naturals.”
    Damn. The film crew. Nick had forgotten about them, but his main concern was making sure Addie was okay. “Do you guys need anything else?”
    “We’re good,” Brad said, over the sound of the engine igniting. “Enjoy your

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