Alpha Geek

Free Alpha Geek by Milly Taiden

Book: Alpha Geek by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
She’d stand by Knox and kick all their asses.
    “ Don’t worry, love. I’ve got this ,” Knox said into her head.
    They readied their guns when Knox shifted. It happened so fast, had she blinked, she would have missed it. One second he was standing next to her, and the next he was a massive blue dragon roaring at the men.
    Bullets whizzed by her head. She dodged and flung herself to the ground. Knox stepped in front of her, keeping her safe.
    Lisa screamed and ran into the woods. The other men stayed and shot at the dragon. He roared a second time and blew out a plume of fire that lit each one. They ran around trying to tamp out the flames.
    Knox’s massive dragon blew out another fire breath and continued destroying everything in his wake.
    Scarlett rushed into the woods. Her lioness demanded to be let out, so she did a quick shift. She’d been dying to rip Lisa’s face off since the beginning.
    She sniffed down her prey, listening to footsteps and the sounds of Lisa’s cries. In the distance, she heard another roar from her dragon and she knew he had that shit under control.
    A curse sounded from ahead. She pawed the ground quietly, taking her sweet time pinpointing Lisa’s location.
    Hiding behind a thick trunk, Lisa held her rifle out and glanced over her shoulder. “Fucking Knox! He should have died that night.”
    Scarlett sighted her in and rushed forward as Lisa focused her attention behind herself.
    She knocked the woman down, but the rifle stayed in Lisa’s grasp. Lisa rolled and raised the rifle to point it at Scarlett.
    “I’ll fucking kill you!” she screamed. “You think this is the first time I’ve fired this at an animal? It’s not.”
    The lioness watched and waited. She saw panic in Lisa’s gaze. She glanced around as if scared other animals were going to surround her. The sound of leaves crunching to her left made Lisa swivel the shotgun away from Scarlett. That’s all she needed.
    She jumped her again, this time knocking the weapon out of her hands and clawing at the other woman’s face. Her lioness bit down on Lisa’s hands trying to block the attacks. It wasn’t long before the wounds killed her, but Scarlett’s lioness continued to paw at her until she heard the call of her mate and left Lisa behind.

    Scarlett placed her hands flat on the shower tiles and sighed. Hot water dripped down her back, soothing her aching muscles. The next time she raced Knox’s wolf, she’d have to get a head start. He was too fast for her.
    She washed her body and listened for Knox. He’d told her he was joining her, so she didn’t know what the wait was. It was the end of Halloween night, and instead of being at some party, they were finally home after figuring out why Knox had been attacked and making sure those responsible were handled.
    After her shower, she slipped a robe around her body and walked down to Knox’s office. He wasn’t there. The hairs on her arms stood on end. Uh-oh. What was he doing?
    She walked out the door by his office onto the balcony but didn’t see him. She did get the distinct feeling he was watching her.
    The sky opened up and rain came down so hard, she almost didn’t believe it was real.
    “ I’m coming for you, little cat ,” he whispered in her mind.
    “Did you really just call me that?” She laughed.
    “ Yes. And unless you plan on giving in quickly, you better run .”
    She wanted to tell him no, but the lioness wouldn’t let her. Instead, she found herself squealing as she ran into the grass, getting drenched from the rain.
    Suddenly she was tackled from behind, the robe ripped off her body. They rolled on the grass, the rain falling over them.
    He covered her with his naked body. “You’re mine now.”
    She cupped his face with her hands. “I’ve been yours.”
    Their kiss was long and sweet. He gave her care, attention, and the usual aggression she was used to simmering under the surface. Water covered their bodies as rain

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