Save Me: A dark romantic thriller (Novel)

Free Save Me: A dark romantic thriller (Novel) by John Meany

Book: Save Me: A dark romantic thriller (Novel) by John Meany Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Meany
porch, she suddenly saw her daughter’s Toyota drive up. From Ashley’s car stereo the booming echo of drums, bass guitar, and Mariah Carey’s high-octave voice rattled the previously quiet neighborhood. Shockingly, Ashley practically swerved into the garbage cans that were near the mailbox.
    What’s her problem? Claire thought, leaning the broom against the door. She hurried down the cobblestone walkway to the concrete driveway. When she peeked through the Toyota’s windshield, Claire became irritated that her daughter had a cigarette in her mouth. Did you expect otherwise? That’s all she seems to do lately. Is smoke! Smoke! Smoke!
    After exiting the vehicle, Ashley removed her Diva shades.
    To Claire, her daughter’s eyes looked spacey and bloodshot. Upon further investigation, she concluded that Ashley must have been suffering from allergies. “Honey, you just bought that car. What are you trying to do, wreck it already?”
    Ashley frowned. “Is that supposed to be funny?”
    “Well, you did almost crash into the garbage cans.”
    “C’mon mom. Give me a break. I made a sharp turn. That’s all.” From the trunk Ashley retrieved a plastic bag from Kohl’s. From it she withdrew a floppy hat. “What do you think of this?”
    “Looks a bit small.”
    “It’s not for me. This is a sunhat for the baby. For when I take Kimberly to the beach. I’ve had it in the trunk since yesterday. Almost forgot about it.” Ashley took a long pull from her Marlboro Light.
    Scowling, Claire turned her head to avoid getting smoke in her face. “For heaven’s sake, Ashley, can’t you put that thing out? Why’d you even have to start smoking? You lived your entire life avoiding cigarettes. Now all of a sudden this year you smoke like a chimney. It’s disgusting. I don’t get it.”
    Disregarding the criticism, Ashley shook her head and then slammed the trunk shut.

    In the house, her mother asked, “So where’ve you been?”
    “I know you were out. I was curious as to where you were.”
    Ashley did not feel like answering. Why couldn’t she come and go without being interrogated? She wasn’t a kid anymore. She was an adult.
    “I gather you’re not going to tell me?”
    “If you must know, I was at the cemetery.”
    “For how long?”
    “I don’t know. An hour.”
    “What’d you do?”
    “What do you think I did? I put more flowers on Peter’s grave.” In the oven-heated kitchen, Ashley observed that the juicy roast was already on a cutting board. It smelled yummy. The meal also included steamed string beans, carrots, and a tin of rolls.
    “You know, it isn’t healthy, Ashley. I understand how much you still miss Peter. I was like that after your father passed away. But sooner or later you’re going to have to let go.”
    Ashley walked over to the sink to sanitize her hands.
    “I will eventually,” she insisted, reaching for the Jergens hand soap. “Except I don’t know why you say it’s unhealthy for me to still visit his grave. Peter hasn’t even been gone for a year. If anything, I think it’s beneficial. It keeps me from being lonely.”
    “Maybe so.” With a long serrated knife, Claire started to slice the meat. “Don’t you agree though, it’s a little bizarre to be talking to a gravestone, half-expecting that gravestone to speak back to you?”
    “I don’t believe you!” Ashley accused, suddenly swinging herself around. “You’ve been spying on me.” With a dishtowel, she dried her hands. “There’s no way you could know I do that unless you were spying on me.”
    “I wasn’t spying. One day last month I was looking for you, so I drove over there . . . Ash honey, if you want to talk to his grave, go ahead. I’m just saying it’s not going to bring Peter back. The way I see it, you should focus on what you do have. You have Kimberly. You have me. And now you have a new job. Life is looking up.”
    Ashley sighed. “Whatever,” she muttered, now sitting

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