The Way With You (The Way #2)

Free The Way With You (The Way #2) by Anne Mercier

Book: The Way With You (The Way #2) by Anne Mercier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Mercier
personally vouch for Candace's sincerity. I've known her a long time. She just got caught up with the wrong people and couldn't break away."
    I look at Lex who shrugs a shoulder.
    "As far as we know, Candace hasn't done anything to you. It was just Brittany with her bitch mouth and Alison with her—well, yeah," Alexa says.
    I think back and remember seeing Candace wince when Brittany started her shit at a couple parties. She always stood in the background, looking very uncomfortable and out of place.
    "Okay, but I'm saying that cautiously. I can't trust anyone right now," I confess.
    "I can understand that," Raven says. "You're out for six weeks, right?"
    "Maybe less depending on my ribs," I tell her. "I can still cheer with the cast—I think. I'll have to ask my doctor."
    "Okay. You can still wear the uniform and attend the games until your doctor clears you. Does that sound okay?" Raven asks.
    I nod slowly. "It does. Thank you for being so accommodating."
    She just smiles. "It's my pleasure."
    After she leaves, I look at Lex.
    "Did that just happen?"
    She nods.
    "How did she know where to look? I mean Destiny, North Carolina, is but a speck on the map," I wonder aloud.
    "I bet I know," Alexa replies.
    She simply says, "Sebastian."
    My heart flutters. Is there anything he won't do for me?
    "That'd explain it."
    Lex leaves the room and I settle back onto the sofa. A few minutes later she comes back into the room with a glass of vileness.
    "Ugh," I whine.
    She rolls her eyes. "It's not that bad—and it's good for you. You'll get all the nutrition you need since you can't really chew."
    I give her a look.
    Bash stands in the doorway. "It's a protein smoothie—chocolate flavored with pureed fresh strawberries blended in. Suck it up, love. You need your strength to heal."
    I pout but take a sip through the straw. I wince. It hurts to suck on the straw, but it's better than eating and drinking through a tube.
    "Easy," Bash coaxes, then lifts my feet, sits down, and rests them on his lap. "I saw Raven leaving."
    I nod. "Your plan worked."
    He lifts a brow.
    "Lex figured it out. I'm too drugged to be that intelligent right now."
    "I just suggested they give you a shot. It's not your fault you're…" he trails off.
    I nod and take another sip. "It's not too bad. The strawberries help a lot."
    "Color me relieved," Lex replies sarcastically.
    "Whatever," I reply, settling in to watch whatever movie she's going to put in.
    "Cam been around?" Bash asks, rubbing my legs, tracing some of the bruises with his index finger. My legs are hairy having not shaved in five days and I could care less. The man-beard legs don't seem to faze Sebastian.
    "No," I reply. "He did call though."
    Bash doesn't say anything but I know what he's thinking—I've been thinking the same thing. He looks at me like he wants to say something, then looks back down where his hands are running up and down my leg.
    "You can say it," I tell him, drinking more of the protein grossness.
    "It's not my place," he replies.
    "Are you my best friend?"
    He looks at me, his eyes revealing more than friendship. "Always."
    "Then it's your place."
    He takes a deep breath and blows it out. "I don't want you pissed off at me. I need you in my life, Livvy."
    I reach out to touch his arm. "Sebastian. We've had one argument and how long did that last?" I'm reminding him of when he found out I'd spent the night with Cam and how he didn't take it well at all.
    The right side of his mouth tips up. "A day."
    "Exactly. So…" I lead in.
    "So… how long are you going to let him call you his girlfriend but not be a part of your life? Honest to God, Livvy, if he cared as much as he says he does, he'd make time to come see you instead of settling for a fucking phone call," he sneers. "A phone call . You deserve so much better than that."
    "I know."
    "Then what are you waiting for? I have basketball practice, scouts are there too, but I'm here with you a lot . I make the time," he

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