Seeking Safety
order of business though is going to be finding Eric and the
members will be very helpful in completing that task.

    Spring is in the air in Wyoming. The weather
is warming and almost all of the snow has melted. The trees are
beginning to bud and the flowers are blooming. The crew from the
construction company that Barry has contracted to build the new
barn and office for Drake Security arrived the first week of April
and work has officially begun. The security firm he engaged to beef
up security at the ranch per Scoot's recommendations has almost
completed their work.
    Barry and his Mom, Virginia have settled in
nicely at the ranch. Virginia and Bob Kenner are seeing each other
regularly and Barry couldn't be happier. His Mom seems younger and
happier than he can ever remember.
    But his old Hollywood life is about to
intrude. Barry is scheduled to go to New York for the premier of
his last movie. He will make appearances in New York, Boston,
Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles. He is dreading every minute.
    Eric and I have settled into our new life as
Beth and Michael Mitchell. We now live in New York City and Eric
hates everything about it. He hates all the people, the constant
noise, the drugs that seem to be everywhere, the gangs hanging
around on every street corner, and even the schools. He is
disgusted because you can't even see the stars at night. He knows
he can't do anything to change their situation, but he sure wishes
he could. He longs for the wide open spaces from his early years in
    One day while he and his Mom are shopping at
the local market he is looking through the magazines at the
checkout counter when he sees the picture. He says excitedly, "Mom,
look! That's Barry on the front of that magazine!"
    It takes me a moment to realize who Eric is
referring to then when I glance at the magazine he is pointing at,
I understand completely. A picture of the famous movie star, Barry
Farrady is on the cover of one of those tabloid magazines and I
have to admit he does look a lot like the man that helped us that
long ago, snowy night in Wyoming.
    I shake my head, "No Michael, that can't be
the same man. No movie star would be nice enough to help perfect
strangers that were in as much danger as we were. The Barry that
helped us must just look like Barry Farrady."
    Eric has grabbed the magazine and insists,
"It's him, Mom. I'm positive. It says he is coming to New York
tomorrow. Can we go and see him, please?"
    This is the happiest, most excited that I
have seen Eric since coming to New York so I agree to go to the
hotel to try and get a glimpse of the famous movie star. Eric is
beaming he is so excited.
    Well, the dreaded publicity tour is about to
begin. Barry has just arrived in New York City for his public
appearances promoting his last movie. As the limousine weaves its
way through the bumper to bumper afternoon traffic a sense of dread
settles heavily over him. When the limousine slows to a stop in
front of his hotel, he plasters his trademark smile on his face and
takes a deep breath bracing for the first of many public
    As he slides out of the limousine in front of
his New York hotel he is greeted by a huge throng of adoring fans.
His security guards have cleared a path for him to the door. The
Paparazzi is out in force snapping his picture and calling out
    As he makes his way toward the doors of the
hotel, he is waving and smiling at his fans in his usual manner
completely ignoring the Paparazzi. Then, his attention is drawn by
a young boy standing in the front row of his admiring fans and a
huge grin slides across his face. Of course, the Paparazzi are
everywhere so he winks and waves as he walks past. When he gets
inside the hotel he pulls one of his security guards to the side
and indicates the young boy. He asks the guard to bring the young
man and his group to his suite.
    Eric is thrilled. He knows that this man is
the same Barry that helped them

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