Winner Takes All (A Full Length Erotic Romance Novel)

Free Winner Takes All (A Full Length Erotic Romance Novel) by Sherilyn Gray

Book: Winner Takes All (A Full Length Erotic Romance Novel) by Sherilyn Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherilyn Gray
inside of hers, the hot jet of his completion inside her pussy as he gasped her
name over and over again.
    They were still for a long time. The only movement their chests heaving
from their hectic breaths. Damien was behind her, his softening cock still in
her pussy, her belted hands still trapped behind her. Then, he withdrew from
her body, unbuckled the belt trapping her wrists. She heard the sound of a
zipper, then a belt being buckled. He lifted her into his arms.
    Damien took her to the couch. He lay down on the leather and drew her
down on top him. She snuggled into his chest, her fingers curling into the polo
shirt that smelled of his unique masculine scent, the outdoors and his sweat.
She rested against him enjoying the uncomplicated pleasure of his touch. The
utter comfort of her naked body on top of his clothed one. His heart beating
swiftly beneath her ear. If only things could stay like this forever.
    But she knew they couldn’t. That wasn’t the world she lived in now.
That world was filled with threats and near poverty and the heavy weight of her
brother looming with a knife waiting for an excuse to slash her life to bits.
The tears Sasha had been fighting all day dripped from her eyes, rolled down
her face. Then she was trembling.
    “Sasha?” His hand touched her cheek. He gasped and sat up, cradling her
against him. “Was that too much? Did I hurt you?”
    She cried even harder at the note of concern in his voice, the
gentleness of his arms around her.
    “No, no. It wasn’t that. What we did was perfect.” Her voice wobbled as
her fingers clutched at his shirt. His heart beat strong and steady under her
    “Then what’s wrong?” he asked. “You can tell me anything.” His eyes met
hers, dark and full of concern.
    The entire filthy confession of her predicament rested on the tip of
her tongue. If he asked her one more time what was wrong, she would just say
the words. She would tell him everything.
    “Whatever is going on with you, I’ll take care of it,” he said.
    She stiffened. Although she loved the way he took control of her during
sex, she would never allow him the same power outside the bedroom. She didn’t
want him to think she was weak and needed taking care of.
    “I’m really okay.” She took a deep breath. “It’s just hormones, I
guess.” She hurriedly wiped her face, sat up. “I should go.”
    For a moment, his hands tightened around her. Then, slowly,
reluctantly, he released her. Sasha stood up and started pulling on her
clothes. Damien picked up her bag for her, held it in his hand as she ran her
fingers through her hair, and shook the dark locks back over her shoulders.
    Damien unlocked the door to his study. They walked in silence through
the house and out to the parking lot where she left her car. She took her bag
from him with a soft word of thanks.
    “I’ll see you later,” she said as she climbed into her car.
    She started the engine, already feeling the loneliness and despair tug
at her. She desperately wanted to stay with him, be sheltered in the warmth of
his arms, in his strength. But she knew that wasn’t an option. Her bottom lip
trembled. She savagely bit down on it, put the car in gear and drove away.
    Sasha felt Damien’s eyes on her but never once looked back.

Chapter Eleven
    Sasha brought in the last of the boxes into her new apartment, dropping
it near the door before heading back out to the grass to take her car and move
it to the parking lot. It was raining and dark. The perfect expression of her
    A steady drizzle patted her head and face with cold beads of moisture.
The rain dripped into her shirt, soaking her with each trip she took from her
car to the new apartment. The short walkway was cracked and old. A few times,
she’d stumbled and almost fallen from a haphazardly raised piece of concrete or
vine growing up through the ancient foundation.

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