Enrolling Little Etta

Free Enrolling Little Etta by Alta Hensley, Allison West

Book: Enrolling Little Etta by Alta Hensley, Allison West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alta Hensley, Allison West
pumped his finger in and out a few times and made small circular motions inside, painfully stretching her tiny hole.
    "Oh, sir! Please make him stop!"
    Papa patted her bottom lightly. "Be a good girl, Etta. Your examination will end soon." His hand spread her cheeks further as it seemed to give him a better view. "Doctor, is it possible for her to take two of your fingers? Please try."
    Etta squealed when the doctor complied with Papa's request and attempted to add another. The stretching was too much, and she cried out even louder than before.
    "Please, sir! Please. I cannot!"
    The doctor paused, but Etta could see from the corner of her eye that Papa had nodded for him to continue—which he did. The second finger was added to the first, and Etta thought she could not endure another moment.
    "It is too much! Please remove your fingers," she pleaded as she wiggled her bottom, trying to break free from the intrusion. "It will tear me in half!"
    "Shh…" Papa soothed. "Your body will adapt. We have to get your bottom hole ready."
    "Ready?" She tried to move off the table, but Papa held her down firmly as Doctor Colt left his two fingers implanted deep within her back channel.
    "That is it, child," the doctor praised. "Your bottom is opening for me nicely. If you look closely, Mr. Hartley, you will see how her tiny hole is allowing my fingers to enter, rather than just me pushing them in." His fingers went in deeper, and Etta moaned. "Mr. Hartley, if you would be so kind to reach down and feel her cunny. See if any signs of arousal have occurred, would you?"
    Papa did as was asked, and lowered his hand and placed a fingertip to her pussy, which Etta already knew was wet. Her body was clearly betraying her, and she could do nothing more but groan in humiliation as Philip swiped his finger along her folds, collecting her juices.
    He removed his hand, brought it to his nose and inhaled. "Yes, Doctor Colt, I believe she is quite aroused."
    Heat washed over Etta to the point where she almost felt faint. Doctor Colt began to move his two fingers in and out of her bottom, and Etta couldn't help but moan with a mix of pleasure and pain.
    Etta felt restless and was confused that she felt disappointment rather than relief when the doctor removed his fingers and washed his hands. Could the worst of it be over? Maybe the exam was done?
    "Roll over, Etta." She awkwardly rolled onto her back, feeling two sets of eyes staring at her as she did so.
    Papa stepped closer, taking her hand, showing her that he was not going anywhere.
    The doctor gently guided her gown down, getting an eyeful of her breasts as his fingers moved over the mounds and gently pinched a nipple, watching it harden under his touch. "She has a good reaction. Very healthy," the doctor said. "Would you like to try?"
    Without hesitation, Papa's hands caressed her breasts, sending a tingle of warmth down between her thighs. Her breathing deepened, each breath slower as she grew more aroused from his touch. His fingers moved down to her stomach, grazing over soft skin before the gown was slipped back over her shoulders.
    "I need you to scoot to the bottom of the table," Doctor Colt said.
    Etta inched forward, her rear feeling as though she'd fall off at any moment. She kept her legs clamped shut.
    "I would like to examine her," Papa said.
    "I think it is a good idea for Papa to help. Perhaps you could get her to relax," the doctor said. "It will make it far less painful."
    "Look at me," Papa said, his voice stern, his eyes on Etta the entire time. "What do you call me?"
    "Papa," she said, knowing the name he preferred to be called.
    "Tell me what you want, child."
    She wanted to be done with the exam and the room, but another part of her throbbed to be touched. He had grazed her quim and caressed her breasts, paying attention to her like the adult she was, and she craved more from him.
    "I want to please you, Papa."
    It was exactly what he needed to hear.
    "Good," he said. His

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