Stalking the Pharmacist

Free Stalking the Pharmacist by Tamsin Baker

Book: Stalking the Pharmacist by Tamsin Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsin Baker
turned away from him, her breathing rate increasing with her
obvious distress.
    He stifled his groan of
frustration and snuggled up behind her, feeling the heat of her back against
his chest and hissing in pleasure as she huffed out a sigh and wiggled closer.
    Thank God for that.
    “He sounded angry.” Ash’s
voice was small in the room as she began running her fingernails up and down
the arm he’d slung over her belly.
    He shivered as the hairs on
his arm stuck up on end and a wave of pleasure pulsed through him.
    “God, I love your touch.”
    She didn’t say anything but
she seemed to relax more against him. He kissed the whorl of her ear, his cock
throbbing against her soft bottom.
    “I told you he wouldn’t react
well. His heart’s taken a real beating in the past.”
    Ash made a hmphing noise and rolled onto her back, staring up at
him with wide, clear eyes.
    “Is that really all I am to
you, Jack? A fuck?”
    Jack groaned and tried not to
roll his eyes.
    “You know that’s not what you
are to me. Even Scott does. That’s why he was being such a prick.”
    Ash flicked his chest with
her thumb and middle finger.
    “I’m not stupid, you know.
Did you really just make up all that crap about us being together? Spinning me a pretty tale to beat your brother to the punch.”
    Her mouth was turned down and
her eyes glistened with tears.
    Wow, she was hurt, or angry,
or both. His gut churned at the idea that he’d upset her in any way. He’d
always been a bit clueless with women, and honesty was always the best policy.
    “Sweetheart, stop. I promise
you I won’t lie to you. It won’t happen. Everything I have said is true, and my
idiot brother is so jealous at the moment he can’t see straight.”
    Ash stared off into the
distance and began digging her nails rhythmically into his forearm.
    “Then why would he say such a
    Jack used his hand to gently
grab Ash’s chin and tilt her face back up to his.
he’s damaged, beautiful. He wants your love so much he can taste it, but he’s terrified
too. He lashed out because he’s being ridden by the green-eyed monster, and
that’s not pretty.”
    Ash stopped her agitated
movements and began to stroke his skin again.
    Jack held his breath,
watching as emotions he couldn’t name flickered across her face.
    Finally, she heaved a sigh
and stared up at him.
    “So what are we going to do,
    Jack laughed and kissed her
cute, button nose. This was why Ash was the one for them. She was all heart,
but with a fire that they both needed.
    “So you want to try to get
him to join us, too, huh?”
    She looked down, her
expression shuttered as her eyebrows lowered. He watched her and waited,
counting his heartbeats. She bit her lower lip, worrying the flesh with her
    Please don’t say no, beautiful.
    When she finally glanced up,
her eyes had darkened and there was a smile flirting with the edge of her full
    “I think I do. If you guys
come as a set, it would be silly to only collect one.”
    Jack burst out laughing and drew
her against him for a kiss, tasting the sweetness of her mouth with his tongue.
    When he felt the mood shift
into something hotter, he reluctantly pulled away and slowly extricated himself
from her clinging arms.
    “Well, sweetheart, if that’s
what you truly want, then I better go home and get dressed for our dinner date.
Shall I invite my brother to join us?”
    Looking nervous, Ash held on
tight to the blanket that covered her naked body and nodded her head.
    Relief pulsed through him
like a cold rain. He stood taller, his shoulders relaxed and his spine straight
and strong.
    “So I’ll call that idiot
brother of mine and set up our date?”
    Ash laughed and nodded again,
pleasure written all over her face.
    A soft growl surfaced as Jack
surveyed the picture in front of him. She was like the goddess Aphrodite. All luscious curves and womanly beauty hidden by a thin sheet.
    “Shit! I want to

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