Stalking the Pharmacist

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Book: Stalking the Pharmacist by Tamsin Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamsin Baker
just climb
back into that bed and have my way with you.”
    Ash giggled and pushed the
blanket down to her waist and came up on her elbows, her bountiful and soft
breasts now fully on display.
    “Oh you
    He fell back onto the bed and
grabbed both breasts with his hands, suckling on one, then the other, his body
hardening in response to the mewling sounds Ash was making.
know you won’t be able to stop this time.
    Breathing hard, his balls aching and his
cock hard, Jack slowly crawled back off the bed and with jerky movements
grabbed for his clothes.
    “I already want you too bad, Ash. If we’re
going to do this right, then we better wait a bit longer. Yeah?”
    Ash nodded her understanding, her face
flushed with their shared passion.
    If Scott didn’t get his act together super fast , he’d take her for himself without hesitation.
    “I’ll pick you up about six, okay?”
    He pulled his jeans on, being careful not
to catch his stiff cock in the zipper before he moved to pull his shirt over
his head.
    “Yeah, that’d be great. But how are you and
I going to act in front of Scott?”
    Jack sat in the single chair against the
wall and tugged on his shoes. He hadn’t really thought about that.
    “Natural, I guess. You’re mine no matter
what, so do whatever you like.”
    Ash gave him a huge smile, and hot honey
swept through his center . God, he already loved her.
    He knelt on the bed for another quick kiss,
her taste bursting through him and making him purr. “I’ll see you soon.”
    When he pulled back, Ash was giggling.
    “Why do you make those weird noises
    Jack fought the blush down as he felt his
cheeks heat.
    “I’ll tell you some other time. Let’s get
Scott in line first, if that’s okay?”
    He’d told her the truth; a lie by omission
wasn’t really a lie. Was it?
    Ash just shrugged and settled back into the
    “Okay, Jack.”
    He winked at her and tore himself away
before he could forget his objective. He opened and closed the doors to the
motel and bounced out to his car.
    He jumped into the cab, feeling happier
than he had in decades. He had a future and he was going to be happy.
    Now, if he could just get his twin to get
with the program.
    He dialed Scott’s
number and heard the click as his brother picked up.
    “Hey, Scott. You free for dinner?”
    “Yeah. Why?”
    “The two of us need to spend
some time with Ash.”
    “I don’t want to, and I
certainly don’t need to.”
    Jack rolled his eyes and
pressed the phone closer to his ear. It was time to push his brother a little
outside of his comfort zone. They didn’t have unlimited time with Ash, and he
wanted it all sorted out before she had to go home.
    “Well, I’m half in love with
the woman and if you were any sort of brother you’d at least want to meet her
for more than a few minutes and get to know her!” A soft growl came through the
phone, and Jack grinned. Jealously may not be the best way to go, but calling
on Scott’s family integrity would definitely get the man’s attention. “I know
you’re not interested in being a three-part family, but Ash is awesome and I
want her.”
    Another strangled noise and a
huff. “Still don’t see why I have to see her.”
    Strange butterflies whipped
around Jack’s belly as he heard the strain in his brother’s voice. Scott was
confused, and that meant he was thinking things over.
    Jack knew that they were
destined to love Ash together, knew it all the way to his bones. They’d been
wrong, so wrong, about everything. He and Scott had gone against their fate,
believing they knew better, and they’d paid dearly.
    He clenched his teeth and let
out a soft whine.
    Yes, they’d fucked up, but
they’d found their mate now and she needed more than just him. He and Scott were a perfect pair. They were designed to love one woman
and give her everything she needed.
you’re my brother. If I convince her that I need

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