
Free Sparkle by Rudy Yuly

Book: Sparkle by Rudy Yuly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rudy Yuly
hand felt good. Amazing, safe, and warm.
    Little Eddie held Jolie’s hand, and the sensation was rich and interesting. He looked at her face, and she was Jolie and Mom and Lucy all together. But somehow the combination was not disturbing; he and Jolie seemed to be giving and receiving information without words.
    Little Eddie lifted his beautiful bottle of Sparkle. It glittered like a diamond. Hundreds of beautiful blue wisps floated up around them, brushing against their skin with rainbow sparks, as they floated off into the glorious unknown.
    “You never know what might happen when you Sparkle!” the announcer said. “You never know!
    Then Eddie felt a tugging at his pant leg and a cold feeling washed through him. He looked around and there was Lucy looking up at him. She seemed to be sinking into the earth although her distance from him never changed. Her face looked swollen with disappointment and her eyes brimmed with tears that never did fall.
    “You never know,” Eddie said.
    “Yes you do.” Lucy Silver mouthed the words but there was no sound.

Chapter 11
    At 8:59 a.m. Joe was out cold, snoring like a buzz saw, sprawled on top of his covers in his boxer shorts. A copy of Baseball Digest was draped over his face, and the ashtray on the nightstand was overflowing.
    His folded pants sailed across the room, knocking the magazine from his face.
    He coughed and sat up groggily. Eddie stood at the foot of the bed, neatly dressed, holding out a hot cup of coffee.
    Joe lit a smoke. He was tired and a little hung over, as much from all the crappy television as from the six-pack he’d polished off. He swung his feet wearily to the floor and took his coffee from Eddie.
    “Thanks.” He reached over and grabbed his cell to check the time.
    Eddie looked at his brother. He knew Joe felt crummy. This might be a good time to make his point.
    “Cab, Joe.”
    “No, Eddie. I’m driving you, bro. I don’t want you to go by yourself.”
    “Mrs. Kim’s.”
    Joe let Eddie walk the four blocks to Mrs. Kim’s corner store alone to buy his Shiny Gold. The cleaner had been out of vogue for years and most stores didn’t even carry it anymore. But Mrs. Kim, a friendly, blowsy, 50-something blonde, had an infallible source. She kept a constant supply in her tiny store, pretty much just for Eddie.
    “Mrs. Kim’s store is different, Eddie,” Joe said. “It’s closer. It’s a lot closer. And it’s walking. Not taking a cab. I’m telling you Eddie, you’d freak out if I let you do that.”
    Eddie took a moment to answer. “You never know, Joe.”
    “Forget about it, Eddie. We’ll talk about it another time. Today, I’m driving you.”
    Eddie turned and left the room. Recently, he’d become convinced that it was wrong for Joe to insist on driving him to the zoo. It wasn’t fair that Joe could go wherever he wanted and Eddie couldn’t. Eddie hadn’t planned on making an issue of it this morning, but something about his dream pulled at him. It was leading him for sure. And right now it made him want to press the point.
    It was tough for Eddie. He had to take care of Joe all the time, walking him through rituals he should be totally comfortable with. Joe couldn’t seem to get it, always trying to change stuff that needed to stay the same, like last night. When it really was time for something to change—like today—Joe would hang on to it with all his might.
    Eddie knew it was only a matter of time before he would be able to make his way to the zoo on his own. Maybe it wouldn’t be today, but he would at least make his point. Joe might be stubborn, but when you’re right, you’re right. And Eddie was right.
    The cab debate had been simmering for more than a month. Joe had started it unintentionally.
    One Saturday on the way home from the zoo the van broke down. Joe got out and fiddled noisily and aimlessly under the hood. After five minutes he gave up, leaned against the side of the van, and smoked a Pall

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