Leah's Seduction: 5 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction)

Free Leah's Seduction: 5 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) by Emily Jane Trent

Book: Leah's Seduction: 5 (Gianni and Leah - Leah's Seduction) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
intense a sensation is, or I want to know how you are feeling, you must tell me the truth. Swear to me that you will, because I need to have confidence that you won’t disguise your reactions just to please me.”
    “Yes, I swear. I will tell you the truth if you ask.”
    Gianni touched his fingertips to her jaw, and Leah’s eyes half closed. “How are you feeling now?”
    She swallowed thickly. “A little scared.”
    “Why are you scared?”
    “Because I’m not sure what you are going to do to me.”
    “Yes, you would naturally be afraid this first time,” he said. “I am in control. You must let me guide you. Will you do that?”
    Leah’s chest moved with the increased rate of her breathing. “Yes. I want you to guide me.”
    “You will keep your eyes open. You have my permission to cry out if you need to, and making noise is acceptable.” He stared deeply into her eyes. “But you will not question me, or speak out of your own will.”
    Leah was silent.
    Gianni reached up and took down a flogger. The stout base had a rubber-wrapped handle, and the two-foot-long tails were made of suede. For Leah’s first time, the well-made instrument would be effective. There were no beads or knots at the end of the tails, so it would not break the skin.
    Practiced with the instrument, Gianni would strike with precise motions to titillate Leah. He stood in front of her. “This will not make any permanent marks. But it will challenge you.”
    Panting softly, Leah looked at him with big eyes. Gianni reached between her legs and ran his fingers along her slit. “You are wet already,” he said, and lifted his fingers to his mouth to suck off the cream.
    With his thumb, he flicked over her nipples, liking how hard they were. Then he let the tails of the flogger drift over her shoulders. Leah tensed. “Stay calm. Let me have control.” Her shoulders relaxed.
    Gianni caressed her belly with the tails, loving to see the pink in her cheeks. Then he let the tips graze her inner thighs. She looked so lovely, flushed and ready. He was going to enjoy this as much as she was.
    Stepping back, Gianni whipped the flogger in the air. It made a threatening swish . He did it once more, then snapped the tails against Leah’s thigh repeatedly. The strokes were fast and snappy, causing a sharp sensation.
    First one thigh, and then the other. Gianni titillated her with directed slaps. Leah began to moan quietly, and he allowed her to continue. He whipped lower along her calves, then on her inner thighs, and over her belly.
    Leah’s panting sped up, and her eyes were glassy. Gianni inflicted the swipe of the tails along her arms, and could see from the color in her cheeks that she was edging close to release. It was too soon. He stepped back, and Leah’s eyes drifted to his thick cock, swollen with need.
    He fisted it once, then dangled the tips of the flogger over her nipples. Leah cried out softly. “Have I hurt you, baby?” he asked.
    “No,” she gasped.
    “I need to know how it feels to you.”
    “It…” She took a breath. “It stings for a minute, like it will hurt. But…I like it.”
    Gianni put his finger under her chin so she would look at him. “I’m going to do more. You will follow my instructions. All right?”
    With varying strokes, Gianni flogged her beautiful skin, stinging with the teasing tails. As her chest heaved with deep breathing, and a faraway look came into her eyes, he knew Leah was experiencing the floating sensation that he intended.
    Without stopping, he lightly swiped the tails over her nipples, just enough to tease. Then sharply stung the sides of her breasts. Leah moaned and turned her head to the side. “Look at me,” he said.
    She looked at Gianni, and he whipped the tails across her belly. Her pussy was red with arousal. He slapped over her vulva several times. Leah emitted a high-pitched, erotic sound. The sensations roiling through her had to be intense.
    Gianni slapped her inner

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