Moonlight Murder: An Inept Witches Mystery

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Book: Moonlight Murder: An Inept Witches Mystery by Amanda A. Allen, Auburn Seal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda A. Allen, Auburn Seal
Tags: cozy murder mystery
he wouldn't be stupid enough to leave the evidence right? Like he would have cleaned up the blood and dug the bullets out of the wall or whatever? ”
    “ You ’ ve been watching a lot CSI, haven ’ t you Emmy my dove? ”
    Emily shrugged, refusing to be ashamed of her useful addictions. “ Well, you know. I don't have a job. And with this island becoming a hotbed of homicidal maniacs, it ’ s probably good I know what I'm talking about. ”
    Ingrid laughed, moving through the house as they bantered. “ I can see the book title now. All I Need to Know to Solve Murders, I Learned from Crime Shows on Netflix . ”
    Emily ran with her idea. “ Oh, I like it. We should co-author it. It will be fun. We can drink wine and pretend like we are super famous authors. I mean, we are already super rich. All we are missing is fame. ”
    “ True enough,” Ingrid said. “Although it is possible that if we are connected to enough murders, we could become infamous murderesses. The Sage Island Serial Killers. Has a nice ring, don't you think? ”
    “Do you want fame or infamy, dear Ingrid?”
    “Good point. Infamous is not the same thing as famous. I want fame. So I can rub it in Gabe's face. But we could get famous by writing that last book you mentioned. We should come up with a pen name. ”
    They continued walking through the house, finding no evidence of any kind of fight or bloody massacre.
    “ This isn ’ t working, ” Emily said. “ And no pen name. We want fame, right? We have to use our real names. ”
    “ Yeah, you ’ re probably right. We ’ ll win the Nebula award for our murder mystery. I ’ ll want Gabe to know that he is the incompetent sheriff character in my book. ”
    Emily cleared her throat.
    Ingrid fake apologized. “ Sorry, our book. ”
    Emily continued. “ Plus, the Nebula award is for science fiction. Not mystery. ”
    “ Whatever, we ’ ll just create our own planet and set the mystery there. There. Science fiction. Easy peasy. ”
    They were upstairs now in the master bedroom, and they both froze when they heard the front door open.
    “ It ’ s okay, ” Emily whispered. “ I got this. You think it's Tia or Kevin? If it ’ s Tia, I ’ ll clock her from behind with a candlestick. If it ’ s Kevin, I ’ m going to use the wrench. And I ’ ll hit him a few more times to knock sense into him. ”
    “ It has to be Tia. Kevin drives a loud ugly truck. We would have heard him drive up. Just like that cheating dove to sneak up on us. ”
    Just then Tia came into her bedroom, catching them red-handed. Her eyes were red from crying and she was wearing stained sweats and a holey t-shirt.
    “ What the hell are you guys doing in here? ”
    “ Sheesh, Tia. That ’ s no way to greet someone who has come over to check on you. ” Emily thought on her feet as she spoke. “ You look unwell. We figured you ’ d be feeling terrible about your lover's murder so we thought we would check on you. ”
    Ingrid chimed in, playing along. “ We were going to bring a casserole, but then we remember that we don ’ t cook so we, uh, we wanted to see what kind of wine you like. We brought some back from St. Maarten's and we don ’ t mind sharing. Especially when there ’ s been a murder …”
    Emily smirked at a speechless Tia. They were being damned mean-girl to her, but she was cheating on her husband and those actions were completely screwing up Ingrid ’ s life. Tia deserved a little bit of harsh.
    Tia smirked. “ Get out. You aren ’ t here to help me. I ’ ll call the cops. ”
    Emily watched Ingrid ’ s face change at the mention of the cops, the wound of Gabe ’ s break-up re-opening. Emily lashed out at Tia. “ You won ’ t call the cops because if you do, I'll tell your husband, Deputy Dumbass, that you are sleeping with his murder victim. You ’ ll look guilty. Maybe you are. Did you murder Sheldon? Maybe he was bad in bed and you couldn ’ t take it anymore? Or maybe he was going to

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