Little Kiosk By The Sea

Free Little Kiosk By The Sea by Jennifer Bohnet

Book: Little Kiosk By The Sea by Jennifer Bohnet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Bohnet
find something to do out of the rain, had decided a trip on the
Queen of the River
, with its below deck saloon and bar, was ideal. It wasn’t as if the river was rough. No wind making the water choppy, just rain, rain, rain. What better way to pass the last day of the long weekend than gliding up river with a glass of wine in hand. Lunch in Totnes and then back down to Dartmouth before beginning the long trek back home courtesy of the A38 and the M5. Personally, Sabine would have been happy if she could just have stayed at home in this weather and curled up with a good book.
    By half past ten the boat was fully booked and Sabine was turning people away. She was just thinking about putting the kettle on for a coffee when Johnnie appeared, waving a bag of warm doughnuts at her.
    ‘Coffee here or at the cottage?’
    ‘Your place,’ Sabine said. ‘Much cosier today. Give me twenty minutes to see everybody on board and I’ll be with you. Don’t eat all the doughnuts before I get there.’
    Sabine was locking the kiosk as
Queen of the River
began to move away from the landing stage when BB walked past.
    ‘Morning. Care to join me for a drink?’
    ‘Sorry. My brother is expecting me for coffee and doughnuts at his place.’ Sabine hesitated. ‘Want to come? You can talk boats.’
    ‘Sure would.’
    As they walked through town, Sabine said. ‘So whereabouts in American are you from?’
    ‘Small town on the coast of South Carolina,’ BB answered. ‘Ever been to America?’
    Sabine shook her head. ‘No. Nearly went once when I was younger but sadly life got in the way. Might put a visit to the USA on my bucket list.’
    ‘Well, if you ever make it over to South Carolina you make sure to find me and the family. You’d be made right welcome.’
    ‘Thank you, BB. Right, Johnnie’s cottage is down this lane,’ and she led the way up to a navy-blue door and turned the handle.
    ‘Johnnie, I’ve brought a friend. Would like to talk to you about boats, I think.’
    Once the introductions were made, and BB was admiring the framed pictures of various boats Johnnie had hanging everywhere, Sabine made the coffee and took it through into the sitting room.
    Talk naturally turned to boats and sailing and BB started to tell Johnnie the kind of thing he was hoping to find. Sipping her coffee, Sabine tuned out from the conversation.
    Telling BB she’d put a visit to the US on her bucket list had reminded her about Owen and his plans. Was the US on his itinerary to visit? She’d have to ask him. Going with someone would be fun. She’d never liked the idea of travelling alone. Wonder where else was he planning to go? She’d always fancied seeing Italy, Mexico too. If she agreed to go with Owen they could plan a list of destinations between them. India could be fascinating too. He’d said ‘no strings’. They could be geriatric back-packers together – couch-surfing their way around the world for six months. She smiled at the thought. Owen was always good company.
    She was jerked out of her daydream when BB stood up.
    ‘Thanks for the coffee. I’d best get going. Thought I’d head over to Kingswear marina today, see if they’ve got anything interesting on their books.’
    ‘See you around,’ Sabine said and Johnnie politely got up to see him out.
    ‘Nice bloke,’ Johnnie said as the front door slammed behind BB.
    ‘You know he’s looking for somewhere to live for summer?’ Sabine said. ‘Ever thought of taking a lodger? Be company for you. Wouldn’t have to worry about the place when you were away.’
    ‘God, no,’ Johnnie said. ‘I need my own space. Can’t bear the idea of a stranger – however nice he is – being here.’ He hesitated. ‘Anyway, I’m thinking about selling this place.’
    Sabine looked at him, surprised.
    ‘It’s over three years since Annie died. You sold up and moved much quicker after Dave. Kickstarted a new life for you and Peter. Think it’s about time I did the same.’

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