No Hiding Behind the Potted Palms! A Dance with Danger Mystery #7
binoculars in your
    “I use them when I go
hiking. For bird-watching.”
    “You never used to carry
them when we went hiking,” I pointed out.
    “That’s because I was
watching a different kind of bird,” he said, leaning over to kiss
my ear. I felt his beard against my skin and smelled the scent of
him, the combination of shampoo and soap with a musky fragrance. It
wasn’t familiar to me. Left on his own, Bosco had become a
different man. The prospect was at once exciting and more than a
little frightening. What if the new version of him didn’t find me
as fascinating, once the novelty of our rekindled relationship wore
    We followed the path between
two buildings, our arms around each other, down to the little strip
of sand that kissed the river. There was a boat slip with a few
power boats tied up to it.
    “Which unit is
    “She’s in number 6,” I
responded. “The middle one.”
    “Great. Come on.” He took me
by the hand and led me up the ramp of the floating dock, all the
way to the “t”.
    “But, Bosco, the sign says
‘No Trespassing’,” I told him. “We’re not boat owners.”
    “Dori, we’re not here to
steal a boat. We’re here to catch a thief. Relax. I promise to bail
you out of jail if the cops haul us off.”
    “Fine,” I said, still
feeling like a stalker in the night. There was little moonlight,
which was a comfort. At least our silhouettes weren’t as
    “Wrap your arms around my
waist and hug me like you mean it. I’m going to rest the binocs on
your shoulder, so it looks like we’re kissing. If we look like a
couple, folks will just think we’re enjoying the night air. Now,
let me see what’s going on at Gloria’s place.”
    I waited as Bosco adjusted
his sight on the middle unit. I couldn’t see anything, so I waited
for his play-by-play.
    “Well, what do you know? I
was right. There’s your love nest.”
    “Love nest?” I took a step
back, wanting to turn around, but Bosco stopped me. He held me fast
with his left arm while he kept his binoculars trained at the
    “I’ll be happy to fill you
in, Dori, but please don’t blow our cover. I can see Gloria and
Ralph on the deck. They’re sitting in chairs, with what looks like
cocktails on the table.”
    “Maybe they’re just having a
meeting,” I offered. “After all, Ralph’s been married for more than
thirty years. Besides, I don’t think Gloria is his type. She’s
    “Sexy?” He filled in the
    “You think Gloria is
    “Sure. Look at her.
Everything about her says mistress.”
    “You mean to tell me you can
look at a woman and tell if she’s some guy’s mistress?” This was a
new side of Bosco I had never seen. I didn’t even think he was
interested in that kind of thing.
    “Hell, yes. Gloria is one of
those women who will wait for a man to divorce his wife, but only
up to a point. After that, she goes rogue and hunts for another
sugar daddy.”
    “You think Ralph is her
sugar daddy? Isn’t she a little old for all that? Besides, she’s
been working for Ralph for nearly five years now. She gets a
    “Maybe,” he whispered in my
ear, “she gets your salary.”
    His arms went tight around
me, as if he anticipated my reaction. I tried to pull
    “I’m just saying....” He
didn’t let go of me, even as I struggled. “Maybe we know now where
Ralph’s money has been going, to pay for his mistress.”
    “Of all the nerve!” I felt
my blood beginning to heat up, headed for a boil.
    “Don’t get mad at me, babe.
I’m just the bearer of possibly bad news.”
    “I’m not mad at you,” I
hissed through the shadows. “I’m mad at Ralph. I’m mad at
    “So, you’re saying you
believe it’s true? They’re having wild, crazy monkey love at your
expense?” Bosco pulled away, trying to look at me. “Is this the new
    “You can bet your ass it’s
the new Dori. What

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