Bay Hideaway

Free Bay Hideaway by Beth Loughner

Book: Bay Hideaway by Beth Loughner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Loughner
    “That’s kind of you,” Nathan attempted to cut in. “But—”
    “Won’t take no for an answer,” Tilly went on as pretty as she pleased, glancing between the two. “Just picked up the roast at the butcher shop a few minutes ago for this very occasion and it’s a real beauty.” She inclined her head toward Nathan with a twinkle of determination in her eyes. “I reckon you like banana cream pie?”
    “Well—” Nathan must have hesitated one nanosecond too long, because Tilly instantly picked up talking where she had left off.
    “I’ll bet you’ve never had authentic
bread, either.” Her mouth curved into a wide grin, and she turned her attention to Judi. “It’s one of Judi’s favorites. Tell him what a treat he’s in for. Nothin’ like a fresh, hot, steaming loaf of bread to tickle the palate.”
    “No one can beat your cooking or baking,” agreed Judi. “But—”
    “Does six o’clock sound about right for tomorrow?” Tilly asked with obviously no intention of waiting for an answer. “Judi knows the way well enough.” Then a number of wide wrinkles creased her forehead as she smiled again. “Come a bit earlier and show Nathan the flower garden.” Her sharp eyes swiveled back to Nathan. “It’s the peak bloomin’ season and somethin’ not to be missed.”
    Judi gave Nathan a helpless look and opened her mouth to speak when Tilly interrupted for the third time.
    “No need to thank me!” Tilly waved a casual hand at Judi. “Any family of yours is a friend of mine.” Before anyone could protest further, she reached into her purse and brought out her checkbook. “I’d better stop jawin’ and skedaddle to get my bankin’ done.” She turned to go and waved a happy finger. “Don’t forget, now. Tomorrow at six. I’ll be waitin’.”
    Tilly strode away with purpose and vanished into the bank, leaving the pair alone. Then silence fell.
    “What just happened?” Nathan asked after a moment, shoving a hand into his pocket as he stared at the clear glass bank doors and then at Judi.
    “We’ve just been shanghaied, Counselor,” Judi said, her lovely eyes widening in resignation. “That’s what happened.”
    Tilly must be slicker than oil to get through my fingers like that
, Nathan mused. That didn’t happen too often. He didn’t have time for a home-cooked meal with a woman who obviously knew how to navigate the waters to her advantage as well, if not better, than he. This posed a new question.
    He drew his hand out of his pocket and rested it firmly on his hip. “What’s behind this invitation?”
    “My guess is she knows something’s up and believes she can help.” She shrugged her delicate shoulders. “It will be useless to try to extricate ourselves from the invitation—she won’t give you the chance, as you can see.”
    “I noticed,” he muttered flatly. “She’s something else. I could have used her on the House Floor last week. She would have made chopped liver out of every senator and representative there.”
    Judi nodded in agreement, looking up at Nathan.
    “Better take advantage of the lull in the action,” he advised, pushing the phone toward her. “Maybe you can make the call before any other interruptions and distractions come our way.”
    Again Judi nodded, and he wondered what was going through her mind as she dialed the numbers and what he was going to do with all of his pent-up frustration.

    Judi held one hand over the wild strands of hair happily taking flight as the wind sliced through the golf cart and she continued to tightly grip the seat back with the other. The wind died down as Nathan pulled into the Dairy Barn parking lot.
    “I knew the church wouldn’t mind your taking some time off,” Nathan remarked as he parked the cart and climbed out.
    “The pastor and the people at church are wonderful,” she commented, sliding out of her seat. “I don’t want to take advantage of their generosity.”
    He only nodded

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