The Romantic Dominant

Free The Romantic Dominant by Maggie Carpenter

Book: The Romantic Dominant by Maggie Carpenter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Carpenter
    “I’m just interested, that’s all.”
    “I can’t tell you anymore than I already have,” he finished.
    Heather moved forward, passing him as she entered the hallway, and he followed her into the living room, retrieving her coat from the closet.
    “Normal is a relative term,” he said quietly, holding it as she slipped her arms into the sleeves.
    “Yes, I know,” she quipped.
    “Quite frankly I think I’m the normal one. I don’t understand how you can live such a bland existence. For me, that’s not normal.”
    She turned and faced him, a puzzled frown crossing her brow.
    “I don’t see it as bland,” she said, shaking her head, “at least, not with the right partner. I guess we’re just different,” she sighed. “For what it’s worth, you’re the first man that’s held my interest in a long time.”
    “If you change your mind and you’d like to experiment a bit, call me,” he offered tenderly.
    She had become warmer, softer, and he could feel her defenses dropping.
    “I can’t imagine it but thank you, Zander. I’ll remember that.”
    And she was gone.
    That’s it. That’s my last attempt in the vanilla world. It always ends the same and I’m not doing it anymore.
    Walking out on to the terrace he picked up the dishes from the table and carried them into the kitchen. As he closed the sliding glass doors he remembered that Abigail had left him a voice mail, and moving to the desk in his study he picked up his cell phone, immediately noticing that there was a second message from a number that rang a vague bell, but wasn’t instantly recognizable.
    “Hi Zander, it’s me, Abigail. I’m so excited, I meeting a Dom for lunch at Marigolds. He’s really cool, I really like him. I’ll call you later.”
    Marigolds. Nice place. I wonder how it went. I’ll call her tomorrow.
    Touching the screen to listen to the voicemail from the unidentified number, he was surprised to hear her voice a second time.
    “Hi Zander, it’s me again. Anyway, I met him, and oh my gosh, you wouldn’t believe it. He lives in this really big, gorgeous house, and we spent the afternoon together, and I’m going to spend the weekend with him really soon. I think he’s kind of famous, you might even know him. His name is Connor Matthews. He’s very strict but you know I need strict. I’m in heaven. In case you don’t remember my cell doesn’t work very well in my apartment, so the number showing up is my home landline. If you want to call me back use this number. Talk to you later. Bye.”
    Right, of course, her home phone. I should have recognized it. Well, well, Connor Matthews. Interesting. I’m not surprised he’s a Dom.
    Turning off his phone he placed it on the charger, thinking about the Connor Matthews he knew of but had never met. He was a successful architect and held in high regard; Abigail could do worse.
    He was about to head out when he saw his wallet. Pulling Gabriela’s card from behind his license he stared at her name, and for reasons he didn’t quite know he carried it with him into his bedroom. Stripping quickly he slipped between his sheets, turned out the lights, and left the fireplace dancing its flames.
    Gabriela, where are you? I just know something’s not right. Call me crazy but I swear I can feel you thinking about me.
    He stared out at the city for a moment before picking up his tablet and touching the button that closed the drapes. With the card still firmly in his grasp he closed his eyes, but sleep did not come easily. Restlessly he shifted positions, and as he finally began to drift away he saw her.
    I’m here, please find me. Please, Zander, I need you.
    Her voice was a thick echo, and though she was hidden by a dense cloud her emerald eyes were piercing the fog. He ran towards them, calling her name, and her hand unexpectedly thrust out to grab his. Pushing through the murky grey he stretched out his arm, reaching for her, but it disappeared like a hand sinking

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