Man with the Dark Beard

Free Man with the Dark Beard by Annie Haynes

Book: Man with the Dark Beard by Annie Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Haynes
Bastow’s case, Sir Felix?”
    â€œI cannot imagine.” The lawyer’s tone was puzzled. “I should have said that he had not an enemy in the world. In spite of the disappearance of the Chinese box, I don’t believe it was robbery, the doctor’s watch and pocket-book being left intact seem to decide that. While as to Mrs. Carr –”
    â€œThe crime would be absolutely motiveless,” the detective interrupted.
    â€œEven if the secret the doctor spoke of referred to her – of which I am doubtful – it explains nothing. Even if she were a proved murderess, she would hardly shoot a man for discovering her identity. But what about the assistant, inspector?”
    â€œWell, he would hardly shoot a man for refusing to let him marry his daughter,” countered the detective. “And he has not a dark beard.”
    Sir Felix took his arm from the mantelpiece and drew himself up.
    â€œI don’t believe in your man with the dark beard, inspector. I believe the words on the paper are just a scribbled note in Dr. Bastow’s own writing. While as for Turner – well, he isn’t a witness I should care to put in the box. But now, inspector, if there is nothing else this morning, I am a busy man, you know. And I must see Miss Bastow before I go.”
    Left alone, the detective sat down again at the table and applied himself afresh to his notes of the case.
    Outside, just coming out of her office, the K.C. encountered the dead man’s secretary. Iris Houlton was wearing the plain workaday frock she had worn in her late employer’s lifetime. She looked a dowdy little person with her shingled brown hair all tousled. She did not raise her eyes, though she stopped and drew back as Sir Felix came out of the morning-room. Sir Felix stopped too.
    â€œGood morning, Miss Houlton. You had my letter this morning, I expect?”
    â€œYes, Sir Felix.”
    â€œI hope you will see your way to undertaking my work. I know that my poor friend found you so satisfactory in every way that I –”
    â€œYou are very kind, Sir Felix,” the girl said demurely when he paused. “But” – she did not raise her downcast lids, though a faint smile flickered round her lips for a second – “I shall not need to look out for another post. My circumstances have altered. And I am inquiring about a flat. I have answered your letter, Sir Felix. You will get it by the next delivery. I am sorry not to be able to do what you want.”
    â€œOh, that is all right,” Skrine said easily. “Secretaries as secretaries are not difficult to find. But I always understood you were something very special. However, my loss is your gain. I congratulate you most heartily, Miss Houlton. It is pleasant to hear of good luck coming some one’s way; I am sure there is trouble enough for everybody as a rule.”
    â€œThank you very much, Sir Felix. I am much obliged to you.” She gave him that vague, enigmatic smile once more as with a slight bow she turned back into her office.
    Sir Felix looked after her, and then went on to find himself confronted by Miss Lavinia, who had come quietly down the stairs from the drawing-room.
    She glanced at him curiously.
    â€œWhat do you make of that young person, Sir Felix?”
    â€œI don’t make anything of her,” Skrine answered testily. “I am looking out for a secretary, and I thought she might do, but –”
    â€œDear me!” Miss Lavinia interrupted. “I shouldn’t have thought a female secretary would have been in your line, Sir Felix. But all you men are alike nowadays – keep half a dozen young women running after you.”
    This pleasantry was obviously not to Sir Felix’s liking. He drew his brows together.
    *“Really, Miss Priestley!”
    â€œReally, Sir Felix!” she mocked. “Well, I shall be surprised if you do not find Miss Iris Houlton as sly as they

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