Adams, Eve - The Banished Bride [Brides of Bachelor Bay 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Adams, Eve - The Banished Bride [Brides of Bachelor Bay 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Eve Adams

Book: Adams, Eve - The Banished Bride [Brides of Bachelor Bay 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Eve Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Adams
frowned and dropped his gaze, and she reached up to touch his face. He looked at her with regret, and she felt it clean to her soul. She knew he couldn’t promise something like that, not with him traveling to San Francisco so much for the family business.
    Andrew carefully replaced the straps of her pantaloons and then took her hands in his as he held her captive in his intense gaze. “I can promise you that my love for you will never falter. It will never die. It will only grow, and when we are all old and gray, I will still want to hold your hand.”
    Her lips parted at his declaration. He meant every word of it. She saw it in the intensity of his gaze. She shuddered as her breath caught and hot liquid flooded down her channel, drenching the fabric between her legs.
    Something changed in him the instant he spoke that vow to her. He seemed more dominant, yet gentle. Warm. Inviting.
    Fighting to breathe, to make sense of the whirlwind of arousal attacking her body and tightening her nipples, she then turned to Noah. She stared up into his brown eyes, searching for the sincerity she saw in Andrew’s.
    “And you?”
    “I’m yours,” Noah stated, matter-of-factly.
    Two words, so much meaning. With a single nod, she lowered her arms to allow Andrew to remove the rest of her clothes.
    No sooner did she gesture than Andrew’s lips were once again on hers, possessing her. She felt the straps of her pantaloons fall from her shoulders. While Noah worked to remove her undergarments, she wrapped her arms around Andrew and wiggled closer to him.
    “I’ve always been yours, Amelia.” Noah slipped behind her, the coarse hairs on his chest brushing up against the skin of her back and setting her flesh ablaze. He buried his face against her neck as Andrew stepped back, his gaze roaming all over her now-naked body.
    “As have I,” Andrew said, his expression dark, his need clear.
    She wanted this, more than anything. Her body cried for his touch, for him to love her as Noah had and beyond. This seemed too good to be true, standing here, about to be loved by the two men she’d wanted since Lizzie married into the family.
    “Please, Amelia. Love us in return,” Noah then asked, “Do you want to love us?”
    “And only us?” Andrew added.
    Too weak to speak, Amelia simply nodded.
    “Do you suppose a nod will suffice?”
    “No,” Andrew answered, his gaze still on Amelia. “A nod will not. Amelia, speak your answer, if you will.”
    She did not appreciate his tone. No man ordered her to do anything. “I most certainly will not.”
    Andrew’s blue gaze narrowed as his expression hardened. “Speak your answer or you will be punished.”
    Amelia answered him with a mocking lift of her brow.
    “Are you denying me?”
    Was she? She’d thought so—until he looked at her with so much hunger darkening his gaze that she didn’t know whether to suck in a breath or let it out.
    “Yes,” she whispered and swallowed thickly.
    “And which question was that in regards to?” Andrew circled behind her and ran his finger along the curve of her hips.
    “One guess.”
    “A hard one to tame.” Noah moaned and brushed his lips across her shoulder. Delicious chills attacked her skin and raced up her spine.
    She should feel fear for having two men intent on taking her, making her their bride in every sense of the word. So many feelings pulsed inside her—anticipation, passion, lust—but not fear.
    “Are you saying you want us both as your husbands?” Noah ran his hands up and down her bare arms.
    She’d never wanted anything more. “I do.”
    Andrew and Noah exchanged looks.
    “I do believe she just gave us her answer, brother.” Andrew cupped her face in his hands and stared intently into her heavily lidded gaze. “Our bride, let us give you more pleasure than you can possibly imagine. Us, together, will be the only way we will love you. It’s the three of us together or nothing at all.”
    “At the same time?” The

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