Secondhand Heart

Free Secondhand Heart by Kristen Strassel

Book: Secondhand Heart by Kristen Strassel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristen Strassel
extended and wrapped it around the back of Cam’s neck, all while kissing him, pulling him towards me.
    His hands were now on my bare breasts, hot against my skin. “How are we going to do this?” he whispered against my cheek. “I can’t even let go of you long enough to get you to the bed.”
    I answered him by dropping to my knees, and unzipping his fly. I’d already familiarized myself with the lay of the land, and his willing cock sprung out, happy to see me come back for more. Cam groaned when I took him in my mouth, his hands knotting themselves in fistfuls of my hair.
    “Jesus,” I almost didn’t hear him. “You have to stop.”
    “Why?” I cupped his balls in my hand while I looked up at him, moving my thumb back and forth slowly.
    “Because I’m close, and it’s been a while.” His words came between pants, then he sunk to his knees. He pressed his damp forehead against mine, kissing me a thousand times as his shaking hands fumbled to free me of my shorts. I was in such shock that I could have this effect on a man, after being so out of touch with my own needs, physical, emotional, all of them, that I couldn’t help him. His face was half shrouded in shadow, but a sliver of light fell on just the right part of his face that his crooked smile set my heart and everything else ablaze.
    His thumbs hooked my shorts and my panties down over my hips and I sunk down so he could pull them away from me. I watched his eyes run the length of my body. At first I fought the urge to cover myself up, until I saw the expression on his face. I couldn’t breathe. He wrestled free of his own clothes, and fuck, he was just as spectacular as I thought he would be naked. Sun kissed and chiseled just enough that I could see the outlines of his muscles rippling down to the line of hair that ran down from his bellybutton to his groin. My eyes settled there a little too long, and I almost went back to what I was doing before I remembered he asked me to stop. I looked back up at him, feeling a little shy. He placed one arm on either side of me, answering any doubts I might have had about if he’d still want me after seeing me naked and obviously not being on the same planet as he was by kissing me. Then one of his hands rested softly on my back, guiding me down on the carpet.
    He crawled over me, one knee separating my thighs. The cool air hit in between my legs, hot and soaking already, and I moaned against his mouth. His lips left mine, lazily making their way down my throat and down to the hollow between my breasts. He picked his head up, giving me a wicked teasing look, before he chose a nipple to take in his mouth, scraping his teeth against my swollen skin and making me push his head against me, never wanting to let him go. One of his hands teased my sex, then two fingers plunged inside me. My fingers curled into the flesh of his shoulders, and I was afraid I’d draw blood. Both of us cried out at the same time.
    He pulled away from me, and I was worried he’d changed his mind when he fumbled for his jeans. He took his wallet from his back pocket, and I wasn’t sure what he was doing until he took a condom out. Part of me was relieved, part of me wondered if he’d planned for our night to end this way all along, and part of me was terrified that this was real.
    His lips came back up to mine, swallowing my cry as he entered me. I titled my hips up to meet him, wrapping my legs around his waist to make sure I experienced all of him. Cam steadied himself, whispering my name, then fell we fell into rhythm with each other, answering the questions we hadn’t even known how to ask each other. I felt myself come to the top of the ride, explosions going off everywhere in my body, my stomach leaping into my throat. I had no idea how high Cam had gotten me until it was time to crash back down to reality.
    Cam didn’t have much more in him, either. He swelled inside of me, his body spasmed and he collapsed beside me. We lay

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