The Wrath of Pan (The Inglewood Chronicles Book 2)

Free The Wrath of Pan (The Inglewood Chronicles Book 2) by Jeremy Croston

Book: The Wrath of Pan (The Inglewood Chronicles Book 2) by Jeremy Croston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeremy Croston
Vic I know something is going on that’s not normal.”
    It was time for me to go.  “Rissa, here is my card,” she took it and put it in her pocket, “if anything else strange happens or you feel like you’re in danger, call me okay?”
    “Will you tell me what’s going on?”
    I couldn’t right now, not like this.  “I can’t say for sure, but your instincts are right.  Something weird is happening and we all need to be on our toes, okay?”
    She wrapped me up in a hug.  I gave her a pat on the back, worried that these wolf attacks were just the beginning of an even bigger mess coming our way.

Chapter 13
    Liz had my phone, looking over all the pictures.  While she was doing that, I was telling John what Rissa told me.  “To wrap it up, she knows something weird is going on and thinks her friend was eaten.”
    “This is not a good sign.  Even with all the precautions we have taken, if the humans are putting it together…”
    Liz handed the phone back to me.  “The crime scenes all have similar aspects, secluded with easy escapes.  It seems our wolf enjoys going into the sewers.”
    “It covers the scent.  Even as good as I am, if we went down there, it’d be impossible to track the smell.”
    “Could he have been tipped off that you would be coming?”
    Both Liz and I looked at her brother.  “That would mean someone from your office would’ve been the inside man.”
    “I know what the implications are Victor, but if our attacker is using the sewer to cover his scent, would it not make sense that he was protecting himself from you?”
    It was time to drop the other shoe.  “The scent at the third scene I went to was familiar to me.  It’s on the tip on my tongue but I can’t put my finger on it.”
    Liz looked surprised.  “You may know this Red?”
    “I’ve been stuck in New Mexico for years, so I doubt it.  But I can’t say that’s impossible for sure.”
    With this dark mood hanging over our heads, we arrived back at the airport.  This place wasn’t on the top of my lists to come back to.  John assured me we would be safe this time and that he had extra precautions in place.
    “Pan will not use the same strategy twice.  We will be fine Victor, I promise.”
    I trusted the guy, but that didn’t stop my from making sure Roscoe was loaded and ready.  As we were coming up to the terminal, Liz’s phone rang.  “It’s Gregory.”
    While Liz handled the phone call, I leaned over to John, “So why does Pan hate you so much?  The guy acts like you spit in his cornflakes.”
    “It is very complicated.  I made the mistake of trying to help a young boy in need and by the end of a very tumultuous century, his mind was gone.”
    “Not to tell you guys how to do your jobs, but putting him on that island with the rest of his minions wasn’t the smartest idea.  I imagine all that did was add fuel to the fire.”
    Liz hung up with Gregory.  “They are here and already have their luggage.  Let us not waste anymore time here and retrieve them.”
    John navigated the airport like a champ and within minutes we saw the grinning face of Gregory.  Talk about looks being deceiving; this guy could pass for a twenty year old grunge rocker.  In actuality, he was over a thousand years old and one bad man.
    I hopped out to help them put their luggage in the car.  “Gregory you old dog!  How the hell are ya?”
    He reached out and shook my hand.  “Victor!  A pleasant surprise to see you as always.  I was most excited to hear you would be part of the welcoming committee.”
    Rosette the witch looked at the two of us.  “If the two of ye are done having a man crush, can one of ye get my bags?”
    I walked over and grabbed it,; it weighted a freaking ton.  “What the hell did you pack?”
    “All the essentials, thank ye very much!”
    Not wanting to stay out in the open any longer than I had to, I picked the damn thing up and put it in the trunk.  Gregory and Rosette joined

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