Girl Online

Free Girl Online by Zoe Sugg

Book: Girl Online by Zoe Sugg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoe Sugg
at each other.
    â€œOK. You can still go,” says Mum.
    I jump up and hug my parents. “I won’t let you down,” I say.
    â€œYou never have, Penny. We just worry about you,” explains Dad.
    â€œAnd now I’m worried that you’re not going to be packed on time!” adds Mum. “Don’t think I haven’t seen the state of your room.”
    â€œI’ll manage it!” I say.
    Elliot smiles. “Good. Now that’s sorted, I’m heading home—I need to get my beauty sleep. Alex is forcing me to use the season ticket my dad gave me to watch rugby tomorrow. Can you imagine? The things you do for love. At least the rugby men are fit . If only Alex would meet my dad, they’d probably get along—” Elliot snaps his mouth shut, as if he’s not sure what he’s just said. I raise an eyebrow but Elliot gives me a Don’t ask me gaze. He turns to Noah. “The concert was awesome,” he says. “You stole the show. The Sketch had nothing on you!”
    Noah pulls him into a bear hug, squishing Elliot so tight his trilby almost comes off. “I wish you could come with us too, Elliot!”
    â€œAnd cramp Princess Penny’s style? No way.”
    â€œAnother time then.”
    â€œFor sure.” Elliot turns to me. “I can’t believe you leave so early tomorrow! I’m not going to get to see you for ages! I’m going to miss you so much.” Now it’s time for him to give me a huge hug.
    â€œI’m going to miss you too!”
    â€œYou have to promise to write to me every day.”
    â€œAnd text!”
    â€œAnd call!”
    â€œCome on, you two, it’s not like Penny’s off on a mission to Mars. She will be back in a couple of weeks,” says Mum.
    â€œA lot can happen in a couple of weeks,” says Elliot. “You’re going to have to tell me everything. Every thing. Especially about Paris. I want to know all about Paris.”
    â€œOf course! And you have to keep me updated on every minute of your internship!” We finally release each other and I walk Elliot into the hallway. He skips out of our house and round to his house next door. He blows me a kiss before I shut the door.
    â€œI’d better go too, Penny,” says Noah from behind me. They’re words I don’t want to hear.
    â€œBut you just got here,” I say, squeezing Noah tight.
    â€œI know, but soon we’ll have two weeks together. I have to head back to the hotel to get everything ready for Berlin tomorrow. I’m so psyched. I’ll be back before you know it—five a.m. Bright and early.” He reaches up and pushes a stray strand of hair off my face, tucking it behind my ear. “Are you sure you’re OK? I promise you nothing like that will ever happen again.”
    â€œI know.” I stand up on my tiptoes and kiss him gently on the lips. “I can’t wait. It’s going to be perfect.”
    â€œIt really will be. We can have a Magical Mystery Day in every stop! Except it’ll be a mission to find the best baked goods in whichever country we’re in. Germany! Italy!”
    â€œFrance! I want to eat all the macarons in the world. They’re my favourite. Is that a promise?”
    â€œIt’s a deal.”
    His warm, dark eyes are staring straight into mine. “I love you, Penny. Just never scare me like that again.”
    â€œI won’t,” I say, and I mean it. Tomorrow we’re going to Europe and I’m not going to let anything ruin our big trip.

Chapter Eleven
    Back in my room, I finish throwing as many clothes as will fit into my suitcase and zip it up tight. As long as I have my camera, laptop, Mum’s cardigan, and a change of underwear, everything else is just extra.
    The rain has started again, battering the windows. I grab my laptop and settle down on my window seat. I imagine every raindrop is a piece of my anxiety running down

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