nonchalant shrug and settled deeper in her
seat. “After all, we were only working together on that one
    “Well, that’s the problem. The client was so pleased
with our work that they’ve asked us to work together on the
campaign for their new perfume, Amazonia.”
    Despite her tension at the thought of working with
Jefferson on another project, Layla couldn’t help laughing.
“Amazonia? Really? And who do they intend to sell this perfume to,
the Women’s Lumberjack Association?”
    “Not quite.”
    A small smile lifted the corners of Jefferson’s
mouth, and Layla suddenly realized just how sexy the man was. For
the first time since she walked into his office, she took a good
look at him. His normally neat dark hair was tousled, as though he
had run his fingers through it several times. He had removed his
tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his crisp white shirt,
revealing a strong tanned throat. With his suit coat casually
hanging open as well, Layla could see that the man beneath the
perfectly tailored clothing had a nice build. If she were a betting
woman, she’d lay odds that his chest and abs were chiseled enough
to make even the most oblivious woman drool, and she was far from
    Jefferson raised one eyebrow in a most appealing
manner, and his green eyes sparkled with amusement. “Layla? Did you
hear what I said?”
    Heat infused her cheeks as she realized she’d been
caught staring. “Sorry, my mind drifted for a moment. What were you
    “I said the client wants us to work our magic and
make Amazonia appeal to every woman. They want the name to invoke
the mental image of a strong but sexy woman, one who can take on
the world and still enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner with her
husband or boyfriend.”
    Layla’s mind turned from her boss to ideas for the
ad. “So, no lumberjacks.”
    Jefferson chuckled, a rich sound that sent sparks of
warmth shooting through Layla’s veins. “No, I can’t imagine
lumberjacks fitting the sexy part of the brand’s image.”
    “Well, I could probably come up with a way to make it
work, but I assume the client wants something a little more big
city and a little less backwoods.”
    “You got it.”
    “When do they want the initial ideas?”
    “If we could have something for them by the middle of
next week, that would be great.” Jefferson combed his fingers
through his hair, tousling it even more and making Layla’s pulse
rate spike. The man was the embodiment of the cologne campaign they
had just completed—an irresistible woman-magnet.
    She looked away from him and picked at a weak spot on
her jeans. It looked like she would soon have a new hole, not that
she minded. The holes and frayed cuffs just added to the look.
Plus, the denim had been washed so much it couldn’t get much
softer, which was the main reason she loved them.
    “So, do you have any ideas percolating in that pretty
little head of yours?”
    Layla’s head shot up, her hackles rising at his
chauvinistic way of referring to her. Then she saw the warmth in
his eyes, and shock chased all traces of irritation from her
system. Could it be that instead of being out to get her, he was
actually interested in her? She shook off the thought. No way could
he be interested in a closet tomboy. “I have a couple of ideas, but
I’m not sure how well lace and work boots go together.”
    Jefferson stared at her and then burst into laughter.
“Why do I get the feeling your mind is a frightening place for the
    “I’m sure it is, which is why you should be glad
you’re not in here with me.” She wasn’t about to admit the reason
she was glad he wasn’t in her mind. What would he think if he knew
she was trying to figure out her chances of a date with him?
    “I don’t know. It might be interesting to observe
your thought processes for a day. Maybe then I would know how to
get along with you better.”
    Layla studied him, her heart in danger of

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