Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
jeans and panties, pulling them down to lock my thighs in place before testing my readiness. “Fuck, such a dirty bitch. You fuckin’ love this shit as much as I do.”
    “Please, Wood, please.”
    “I fucking love hearing you beg for my cock. Tell me what you want, Sweets.”
    “Please, I n-need your c-cock inside of m-me.” I am so lost in the throbbing of my core I don’t care where we are, what I am saying, nothing matters but getting him inside of me.
    “Aww, come on now, don’t be shy about what you want, baby. Try again. What do you want?” He taunts from behind me and lightly rubs the tip of his condom covered dick across my wet folds, only stopping to slap the top side of his dick against my swollen clit, making me moan.
    “Please, Wood. I need your cock so badly. I’m so wet for you, baby. Please give it to me. Please.”
    “Fuck,” he groans. I must have given him what he wanted because from one second to the next I am empty then stretched so full with his long length. “Squeeze that cunt around me, dirty bitch,” he orders and I give him everything.
    His thrusts escalate into a driving rhythm that has me almost screaming out his name. I can already feel my climax growing closer and closer.
    “Wood, oh God yes, Wood.”
    “Dillon. You scream out a name it better fuckin be my name.” His breathing becomes harsher and harsher as his tempo incredibly gains speed. I can’t hold on any longer. Letting go into the sparkling waves of my orgasm I scream out.
    “That’s right. Fucking come. Fuck, Noelle.” He groans out his own orgasm, filling the tip of the condom and leaving me wishing the barrier wasn’t there.
    Wood pulls away and I wince at the soreness left behind. It’s such a good hurt. My legs tremble as I pull up my pants and he tosses the condom in the dumpster conveniently located next to us. What is it about this man that has me forgetting everything but him in the moment?
    Wood starts laughing and I look over to him fixing his thick belt and smile. “What’s so funny?” I ask.
    “You.” My smile drops from my face at his answer. What did I do?
    “Yeah. I don’t know why I was worried, if anyone tried to grab you, you’d fuck them silly and they would be the ones walking away with bruises and bite marks. Fuck, you’re wild.”
    “Thanks for the fuck, Sweet Thang.” Straddling his bike, he fires it up, cutting off any words that I would have said and, without looking back at me, turns onto the road and is gone.
    Now standing alone, the joy of my orgasm gone, I wrap my arms around myself and shiver. He made me feel so used. A hole to fuck then leave. I think I hate him.
    But he didn’t treat me any different than the way I did to him before. Did I make him feel this bad with my words? Did he just have sex with me to get revenge or because he wanted me?
    Pulling myself together, I walk out of the alley and call Stacy. With no answer, I shoot her a text and wait next to the bouncer for her to make her appearance. I need to get home and take a bath. A long, hot, relaxing bubble bath.

Chapter Nine
    “Woman,” Caveman’s growl pulls me from my thoughts. It’s been a week since I’ve seen either Wood or Caveman. My mind keeps swirling with confusion, anger, and depression. After I arrived home from work, Caveman was waiting for me with food, Chinese this time. We ate and put in another movie, but I just can’t focus on that at the moment. On top of feeling like I cheated on Caveman, I also am worried about Jaycee. On lunch break, Stacy and I paid Jay a visit at the library. It wasn’t a good sight. She looked sick. Dark bags under her eyes because she wasn’t sleeping. And after everything she finally explained what was happening to her, I am so freaked out for her. I really hope she takes our advice and talks to Steel and Onyx. Especially if she really is pregnant.
    Holy crap. I didn’t think I would be thinking Jay is

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