Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
holding my own against him, until the muscle in his jaw starts to tick. I don’t know what that means, but I do know it won’t be good to find out. “I’m here to pick up Stacy. Her designated driver bailed on her. He was a douche,” I sigh and explain, hoping that was sufficient. I turn to continue my walk to the club, I can see the bouncer, so not much farther. Wood’s hand on my upper arm stops me and makes me face him, closer this time.
    “Do you have anything to protect yourself while you are being an idiot?” Nope, he is still mad.
    “I will be fine, Wood.”
    “That’s a fucking no then. Jesus, Noelle, you can’t just walk in this part of town without something to protect you. What if it wasn’t me waiting in this alley? What would have stopped him from doing whatever he wanted to do to you? You hate your life so much you are ready to fucking die?”
    I jerk my arm away from his firm, but not hurting, grip and try to push him away. “I would have been fine! I would have screamed, there is a bouncer right over there, someone would have come to help.”
    “That fucker?” he asks, pointing over to the bouncer with his back turned to us. I nod and I swear Wood’s eyes roll. “That dumb fuck is paid to not leave his post. For anything. You think he would give a rat’s ass to what’s happening outside of the club almost a block away? And for you to be stupid enough to think your life would have been saved by some good fucking Samaritan just proves how stupid of a bitch you really are.”
    “You asshole! I’m here for my friend, you’re in my way. Leave me alone. I would have been fine!”
    “Prove it,” his words come out dark and I’m shocked with confusion until his hand clamps over my mouth and the other tangles into my hair before I’m pulled into the alley away from anyone seeing anything. My instincts kick in, I start screaming against his large palm, swinging my arms making no purchase, and kicking my legs out trying to disable him. But he’s right, I’m practically helpless, I’m an idiot. I really didn’t think of my safety, just getting to Stacy and back home.
    My breath escapes when my back is shoved into the brick wall of the club. His hand moves away from my mouth letting me take in a much needed gulp of air, but before I can say anything or scream, he kisses me deeply. His tongue plunders my mouth, leaving no crevice untouched. My body instantly melts into him. This may have started off wrong, but as soon as his lips touched mine, everything changed. My pushing hands start gripping into his shirt and pulling him in deeper, pressing his body tightly against mine. My leg lifts and wraps around his hip, making his impressive erection grind against my jean-covered pussy. I’m so aroused I wouldn’t be surprised if Wood could feel how wet I am through both of our clothing.
    He pulls his mouth away from mine to skim down my chin and across my neck to stop at my ear. “Fight me.”
    What? I don’t want to fight him. I want to fuck him. Oh I badly want to feel him inside me again.
    “The harder you fight me, the harder I’ll fuck you. Make me work for that pussy,” his voice is pitched so low it starts a rushing fire through my veins. I unwrap my limbs from around his body and start to push at him. His solid frame doesn’t move from my efforts.
    “That’s all you got, Sweets? Fucking fight me, bitch,” Wood growls and grips my hair at the scalp with both hands, tugging at my hair until my neck is arched and his teeth bite down onto my neck. I now have a set of marks on both sides of my neck, and I love it. Getting into Wood’s game, I really start fighting him. Slapping, biting, kicking.
    His hands at my waist jerk and I’m flipped over, my hands bracing on the brick wall. He rubs his covered cock against my arched ass and groans.
    “You feel how hard you fuckin’ make me? How badly I wanna fuck that tight little pussy of yours?” His nimble fingers make quick work of my

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