Two Sides of Noelle: MC Romance (Demon Rebels MC Book 2)
pregnant at this time in our lives. What will she do if there really is a baby? What if the father doesn’t want anything to do with it or her? What if they won’t help her and this sick whacko gets ahold of her?
    Shit, Caveman’s talking to me. Trying to focus, I look over at him.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “What’s right?” I counter. He rolls his eyes and pulls me onto his lap, resting my feet onto the couch, then waits. His eyes stare into mine patiently. The large ball of guilt rises up and threatens to strangle me.
    “Are we exclusive?” I ask, hoping for a no, but also wishing to hear a yes. I promised whatever this was between us would be explored and I’m scared that I’m messing it up as well as giving more emotion than I should.
    “You want my dick leashed?” he asks with a raised brow.
    “Yes, I mean no. Do you want to be leashed?”
    He sighs and shakes his head. “Spit it out, woman.”
    “I slept with Wood and I don’t know if that makes me a cheater or not. I feel horrible and like I betrayed you and at the same time I couldn’t tell you I would be able to say no if it happened again. I’m such an awful person,” I rapidly tell him and break down, tears streaking down my face. I know this wasn’t on his nightly agenda, and that makes me feel worse. Too much emotion. I warned him, I warned myself, when he wanted to start this.
    “I’m sorry, I’m blubbering all over you.” I try to move off of his lap, but his arms wrap around me and stop my feeble attempt to move. Once I become still, his hands move to my face and gently wipe away the wetness from my face. At his tenderness another piece of my heart is lost to this man.
    “Wood is the only man I would share you with. He comes to you again don’t turn him away.”
    “So it’s okay to sleep with him? I don’t understand, Cave.”
    “I have an end game, baby. For things to be the way they were meant to be. So yeah, it’s me, you, and him.” He bends down and kisses me deeply before pulling away, his eyes intense. “But if any other man lays a fucking finger on you, I will kill him.”
    Holy hell, possessive much? The weird thing of it is that I kind of like it. Makes me feel very wanted and desired. Never have I felt that to such an intensity. A strange wave of my own possessiveness for this man crashes inside of me. The thought of my Caveman in another woman’s arms has my vision edged in red. Our relationship is way to new for me to be feeling like this, right?
    “That goes both ways, right? No other women touching you.”
    “I’m serious, Cave. You just put a very heavy claim down, I want the same reassurance.”
    “I’m here, yeah?” He points his finger at my floor and waits for my nod. “There’s your reassurance. You done?”
    That is my reassurance? I mull his words over for a bit and decide that yes, in fact, it is supposed to be my reassurance and all he is going to give me. He is in fact here, with me, instead of out grinding on other women. Holy moly, we really have hit that exclusive stage of the relationship. And we have only been on like two dates! Moving so fast, my head feels as if it is spinning.
    I jerk my head up at his growly tone. “Yeah?”
    “You done?”
    “Done?” Am I done with what?
    I look down into my carton of dumplings and nod my head. I really haven’t eaten much, but my appetite is gone. “I’ll put it in the fridge and save it for later,” I mumble and start to stand when the carton is taken from my hands. Looking up at a now standing Caveman, he nods his head over to my bedroom door.
    “I got this. Go get ready.” We were planning on going somewhere?
    “Get ready for what?”
    “There’s a meet up with the president of our mother chapter at the clubhouse tonight. Probably be boring as fuck for you while I’m back there, but the after party won’t be shitty. Want you there.”
    Okay, there is a lot he just

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