The Alien Artifact 9 (Novelette)
horses and the front horse, and I
was sure it was going to attack them viciously.
    The whole audience turned silent everywhere
as it raced passed the front horse and the finishing line faster
than any animal I had ever seen or heard of, and it won the
    Its colossal
inner strength and powers were tremendous, and I kept watching it
as it stopped, and it looked like some form of monster horse, and
it furiously ran after one of the other horses, and chased it away,
and it jumped up and down and managed to loosen its saddle and
throw it off and it leapt crazily at one of the jockeys and chased
him away!
    It was incredible the horse was trying
to kill other horses and I watched it accelerate away into the
audience and burst into
life, with its colossal inner strength, and it ran furiously into people
and crazily knocked them down!
    The audience
ran when it attacked furiously like a wild beast, and they
stampeded away in the opposite direction as it smashed everything
in its path, and it charged out the racecourse and into a busy high
street, charged into cars and trams, and chased people everywhere,
leaping on roofs, and it jumped into a car windscreen, and through
a supermarket window, and ran through it biting and smashing
everything in its path, and chased people everywhere, and it leapt
on shelves of food sending them crashing down over the floor, and
kept going until the police arrived and shot it dead.

Chapter 19
    The Bottom of the
    At the bottom
of the hospital shaft, after I had climbed down a rope ladder to
the bottom, I was surprised that they had dug down below the
hospital foundations and dug out a large circular cavity, where
there were many scientists, examining and setting up equipment, and
archeologists digging out regions, and I climbed down and examined
all their equipment for clues to what was happening, and recalled
reading about some of their work in a scientific magazine, and I
watched Oswald and Higgins at work, and sensed they had recently
made a major discovery.
determination of the two paranormal scientists was now unbelievable
and they had proven the occurrences in the hospital were all
centered around the bottom of the shaft, and they had brought in
all the scientists, and members of the exploration association, and
I realized it was their biggest discovery, and that it was perhaps
their only real and proven one.
    Although what
disappointed me was they never received the reaction I received
from what was there, and they only detected reactions and not major
disturbances, and as far as I knew nobody else had collapsed and
had gained the powers I had, and I had a hard time covering the
power I had from the scientists, as I foreseen something might
occur, and I found it was starting to weaken and I wished it to
just go away, and it never really did what I wanted and was a
    Even though
the stuff they said they had done was now surprising, and even
alarming in places, which kept drawing my attention, I just
dismissed it later as them advertising their work! At times I had
even thought they were deliberately putting the psychic research
there to cover their real work and discoveries!
    I was not really bothered anyway, whatever
it was, and I was happy now.
    Even though newspapers had stories of horse
story and it even on some front pages, to my surprise, and some
believed something else had been involved, and that the horse story
was a cover up, and I was also surprised that it was even put in
front of stories of the war and the serial killer.
    I had also received a letter that morning
directly from the Home Guard and another from Godfrey throwing me
out the army, and I was ecstatic, and I vowed never to go near it
again, and it was incredible, and Godfrey’s horse was disqualified
and he lost the bet to all the soldiers, and I discovered later he
had bet more on it than he had told.
    I realized the Loch Ness monster find and
other occurrences could have been created or

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