Born to a dying family, the lion shifter princess, Sehra runs from the choice her father made to strengthen their bloodlines. Fleeing to their sister world where a society of tiger shifters reigned supreme, Sehra decides to hide in the one place no one will look for her. The royal palace of Regav. Inside the palace she finds a calm contentment in the daily tasks until her path crosses with the king and her hormones take over. Lions and tigers get bare…oh my.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
    Escaping Lightning
    Copyright © 2011 Viola Grace
    Cover art by Martine Jardin
    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
    Published by eXtasy Books
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    Escaping Lightning
    A Trapezium Exclusive
    Viola Grace

    Sehra was going to puke, she just knew it.
    “Mistress? Did you hear me?”
    She nodded to her nurse and companion. “I heard you. I am to marry my cousin on the day of the new moon.”
    Lira patted her on the shoulder. “It won’t be all bad. Once you get pregnant your children will be implanted in some of the suitable women who have already volunteered for the honour.”
    “So, it is common knowledge that I will have to fuck my cousin?”
    “I am afraid so. Many royal houses keep their bloodlines close.”
    Sehra shuddered. “I know, but the thought of spending my life with Mekar’s hands on me is too much to bear. Oh, stars. What should I do?”
    She cast her gaze to the heavens and sought an answer. A shuttle rising from the surface was silhouetted against their sister world and in a thunderclap of understanding, she knew that she had been given as much of a hint as she would be offered. To ignore the sign would be the move of an idiot.
    Sehra paced, her eyes on the night sky. “What has he offered as a bridal gift?”
    Lira cocked her head, a canny understanding coming to her gaze. “Nothing. You are kin.”
    “That is no reason to insult me. I think a lovely trip to our sister worlds to assemble my trousseau is in order, at his expense.”
    “Of course, Mistress. I will tell your father immediately.” Lira bowed and turned toward the door.
    “Stay out of his reach, he may bite.” The warning was accepted with a nod and Sehra was alone in her quarters once again.
    The line of leonine shifters was dying out. Sehra was the last royal female and it was up to her to carry on the matriarchal line. She didn’t have a problem with bearing young, but wedding that damp little jackass was far beyond any call of duty she was willing to answer, and screwing him was out of the question.
    A thunderclap sounded in the distance and soon Lira came back with a shred mark in her tunic. “He didn’t take it well, but you will leave at dawn.”
    Sehra hugged her carefully. “How many guards do we have to take with us?”
    “A dozen. Don’t worry, we will figure this out. We always do.”
    As Sehra hugged the woman who had raised her after her mother died and her father went mad, she wasn’t quite sure that Lira had it right this time. Despite what her servant thought, there were very few

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