Something Spooky

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Book: Something Spooky by Janet Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Woods
Tags: paranormal romance
‘One of my Paris originals will do. I think I have a pair of sequined overalls somewhere.’
    Her sarcasm brought a frown to his face. He said nothing more, but his lips tightened ominously before he strode from the room.
    Ellie experienced a certain amount of embarrassment when she slid her list next to Patrick’s elbow. It was one thing writing out a list, but to have her more intimate needs broadcast by a man to a stranger was intimidating.
    A trickle of relief ran through her when she heard he was communicating with a woman. The woman’s voice was accompanied by static as she reeled off the various items he wanted. Ellie blushed slightly as she slid her list next to his.
    ‘Did you want to talk to Ace again?’ the woman asked.
    ‘No need.’ Patrick picked up her list, glanced at it, then up at her. A faint grin hovered around his mouth. ‘Morgana is here now, Bluebird. I’ll give her a crash course, then she can tell you what she needs herself.’
     ‘ Morgana! ’ She gave him a dirty look as she slid into the chair he relinquished.
    He ignored it. ‘Press that when you want to talk. When you’ve finished, say Morgana over and out. Got it?’ 
    ‘Yes.’ She placed a hand on his arm. ‘What’s your call sign?’
    ‘That figures!’ She rolled her eyes in disbelief.
    Patrick stayed long enough to see she was doing it right, then headed for the room. Pressed against her knee Todd watched every move, then scrambled on to her lap and grinned in expectation. ‘Can I talk to bluebird please, Ellie.’
    She ruffled the dark thatch of his hair. ‘I’ll ask her.’
    After repeating her list back the woman asked. ‘Did I hear my Godson in the background?  Put him on for a couple of minutes.’
    ‘Hello, Auntie Bluebird,’ Todd shouted. ‘Guess what? The truck got stuck in the creek ... and my bike’s gone ... and guess what?  Ellie crashed her car, then she fell in the mud and said lots of rude words ... then Patch kissed her, and–’
    ‘My, you do have an exciting time,’ Bluebird cut in smoothly. ‘Put Morgana back on now chicken. I want to speak to her.’
    ‘She’s not Morgana, she’s Ellie.’
    Ellie wondered what sort of jail sentence she’d get for plucking out a child’s tongue. ‘Could you add a large bag of gob-stoppers to the list,’ she said darkly, faintly relieved that Patrick hadn’t been listening.
    ‘Will do. I’m sorry about that.’ Bluebird sounded faintly amused. ‘The gob-stoppers are on me. If there anything else?’
    ‘No, that’s about all thank you, Bluebird.’  Ellie could feel her face burning with embarrassment. ‘Morgana, over and out.’
    Her glance fell on Todd. Pleased with himself, his face was glowing with excitement. The little wretch had no idea what he’d done, but Ellie couldn’t be annoyed with him when he said.
    * * * *
    ‘That was fun, Ellie.’
    ‘Yes.’  She grabbed him up and gave him a hug. ‘We’ll have a game of hide and seek after I’ve changed. Then I’m going to help your dad wash the walls.’
    ‘And me,’ Todd promptly said. ‘Patch said I’m good at washing walls.’ 
    ‘Why don’t you call your father, dad, Todd?’
    Todd thought for a moment, and then gave a passable imitation of Patrick’s shrug. His face had a closed look to it and his voice dropped to a whisper. ‘I had a mean dad once, so I call my real dad Patch.’
    ‘I see.’ Ellie didn’t see at all, but she knew she’d been party to the child’s confidence and wasn’t going to press the point. Todd’s words and his manner of telling her suggested some sort of trauma in his past. She wasn’t about to remind him of it.
    Giving him a cuddle she lowered him to the floor. ‘I’ll race you to the kitchen. ‘Ready - steady - go.’ Todd was off and running before she could finish. Charging after his giggling form she caught up with him when he reached the kitchen door and they barged through it together.
    ‘Ellie and I are going

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