Something Spooky

Free Something Spooky by Janet Woods

Book: Something Spooky by Janet Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Woods
Tags: paranormal romance
to start the day.’  He grinned as she struggled upright and silently held out her hand for it. ‘You look as though you had a night on the tiles.’
    * * * *
    Ellie could only manage a grunt, but it implied her state was due to the fact of being chained to the washing machine on his behalf for half the night. Taking the mug he offered she swigged half its contents before she realized it had an odd taste. ‘This taste’s a bit funny. The milk’s not off is it?’
    ‘I shouldn’t think so.’ Patrick grinned as she took another tentative sip, his eyes intent on her.
    Her reviving taste buds selected the flavor of peppermint. Peppermint? ‘You Dingo! … You’ve spiked it.’
    ‘That’s odd?’  Patrick’s hand closed around the cup before she could throw it at him. ‘The potion seems to have had the opposite effect on you. You’re still a grouch.’  Setting the other mug on the bedside table he headed for the door. ‘Try that one and let’s call it quits. You’re bewitching enough without the spells.’
    The second cup was pure unadulterated pleasure and her disposition improved in leaps and bounds as the caffeine made inroads into her bloodstream. Bewitching, Patrick had said. Leaping from the bed she slid into a pair of black velvet pants, topping them with a white lacy blouse and a matching black velvet waistcoat. She brushed her hair until the sparks flew and secured it to the nape of her neck with a velvet ribbon. Adding a touch of cologne to her pulses and headed into the kitchen.
    ‘Sit.’ Patrick placed a plate of bacon, eggs and tomatoes on the table. ‘That’s Ellie’s,’ he said as Todd moved his chair closer to her. ‘She doesn’t need your help.’
    ‘Can I have some bacon as well, Patch?’
    ‘You had corn-flakes. There isn’t any bacon left.’
    Made the recipient of a hopeful smile, she exchanged an amused glance with Patrick. ‘He can have some of this.’  She cut a piece of toast in half and made Todd a sandwich.
    ‘If you need any personal shopping give me a list after breakfast,’ Patrick said.  ‘But not too long ... and nothing bulky.’
    ‘You’re going into town?’
    ‘Of course not.’ Gazing bleakly at the rain Patrick muttered. ‘The creek’s still impassable and likely to remain so. The forecast is for rain and more rain. I’m going to call a friend of mine. He’ll deliver what we need.’
    ‘How? The land-line is out of action. I left my cell phone in Melbourne and yours is under water in your truck.’
    ‘By helicopter.’  Patrick turned and grinned at her. ‘How did you think? He hasn’t got the power to zap it over here in a shower of stardust. However, if you’d like to have a go …?’
    Ellie met his sarcasm with a frosty look. ‘I meant. How are you going to get in touch with him? The telephone’s still out of action.’
    ‘I’ll use the CB.’
    She stared at him blankly.
    ‘The citizen band radio in Vera’s den.’
    ‘I didn’t know she had one.’
    ‘She’s had it for the past six months.’ He hesitated, and then said. ‘It used to be mine. I had no room in the van for it so I gave it to her. It enables her to contact those who need her services and can’t afford to pay.’
    ‘You mean she consults over the radio?’ Ellie couldn’t imagine her aunt doing that. ‘It wouldn’t be very private with everyone listening in.’
    ‘They use call signs.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Don’t be too long with your list. I want to start preparing the house for painting.’
    * * * *
    Patrick’s attitude towards her seemed to have softened, and Ellie saw no reason why she shouldn’t meet him half way.
    ‘Can I help?’ Ellie demolished the last of her breakfast before Todd did.’
    ‘If you don’t mind washing walls, sure.’ His eyes swept critically over her outfit. ‘You seem to be dressed more for a decorative effect than for work. Do you have anything old?’
    His inference that she was a useless, vain woman annoyed her.

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