No Apologies

Free No Apologies by Jamie Dossie

Book: No Apologies by Jamie Dossie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Dossie
don’t give shit about my damn job. I am fucking a man who is in love with another woman, I want to fuck a man who is in love with another woman, and I want to fuck up my ex- best-friend’s relationship. Yeah this shit  screams “Iyanla fix my life” If Derwin would just get her out of his mind, then maybe we could try and be together with no Goldie and no Jasmine in our lives. I think he is more hell bent on making her pay, then I am on making Goldie pay.
    I just brought that “fuck up their life” shit to see what he would say. He looked liked he needs to get some shit off his chest. No matter how much I fuck and suck him, he still can’t get that chick out of his system.
      Damn! just sitting here watching old re-runs of Girlfriends, really got me to thinking about a lot of shit and this shit is getting more and more depressing my the second. I should call Goldie ass right now and see if he wants to hear what I have to say, or maybe I should hold on to this little bit of information, until I see what Derwin has planned for this plan of ours. Looks like these sorry bitches got just as many men problems on this television program, as we do in the real world. Shit! When a woman is falling for a man, she will jump through hoops to try and keep his ass. When that motherfucker ain’t trying to give a woman no act right, then well, she just gonna have to teach his ass a lesson. Niggas jump from women like they are changing their fucking clothes.
       Damn! This wine is good and it’s putting me in the mood to start some shit. I am ready to jump start this bullshit ass game of action, so I can get it over with. I need this and I need to start it now. A motherfucker can call it whatever they like, but just seeing the pure hurt on his face will be priceless to me. Fuck it! I am going to start my shit today. I can’t wait on Derwin ass. Searching my couch cushions for my damn phone; finally pulling it out yes indeed, his ass is about to hear from me today. And I am not sending no damn text either. Ring… Ring… Ring… After the third ring he finally picks up, his ass makes me sick at times.
       “What up doe,” he answers. “Hey Goldie how are you?” I say. “Who dis?” He responds. “Chanta’.” “WHO?” I take the phone away from my ear, and let out a deep breath, this dude can’t be serious. “Chanta’! Don’t play Goldie like you don’t know who this is.” “Chanta’ I didn’t know this was you, your number was not saved in my phone, but since you calling what’s up?” “I was wondering if we could meet up and talk.” Damn! That was lame as hell, should have come better than that. “You know, I just don’t get down and meet to have talks and shit. So you gonna have to say what the hell is on your mind now.”
       See I knew this asshole was going to show up but as soon as I utter those words ‘Jasmine’ then he will perk the hell up. “Damn! I just figured that we did have a nice little connection. I thought calling wouldn’t be a problem.” “Stop thinking so damn much Chanta’, but when you can say whatever it is that made you call me then do so until then have a good one.” “Wait! Hold on Goldie, I do have one word to say….JASMINE!”
    Alexis 13
    I don’t know where the fuck he is right now and I don’t give two shits. I’m the woman up in his damn house. I am the one he lays his head on when he is sleepy and I am the one he calls every hour, on the hour. Hell! I knew in the beginning he had other women that he may or may not sleep with, but hell! I have a couple folks I sleep with on the side as well. I have grown to love Curtis ass, and maybe one-day when we both are done playing, we can settle down and make it right between us. I have not been at my house as much as I should be. Most of the time I am here by my damn self, or he comes in so damn late from either working, or being out with one of his lady friends.
       Frankly, I am

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