What the (Bleep) Just Happened?

Free What the (Bleep) Just Happened? by Monica Crowley

Book: What the (Bleep) Just Happened? by Monica Crowley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Crowley
money,” and watching Kourtney & Kim Take New York . (Okay, they may do that last one, but only because, I mean, who can resist?) Understand: he doesn’t want the Olsen twins’ money or Bill Gates’s or Tiger Woods’s or Harvey Weinstein’s money. Obama’s friends can keep their wealth. Instead, he wants to confiscate the wealth of the small businessman. He wants the property of the oil worker, the local dry cleaner, and the insurance salesman. Regular Americans are his targets.
    In fact, in mid-2011, Obama’s acting solicitor general, Neal Katyal, went before the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals to argue in defense of ObamaCare’s “individual mandate.” He told the court that if somebody didn’t like the mandate, they could just earn less money. After all, as Obama said in the fall of 2011 while criticizing the banks, “You don’t have some inherent right just to—you know, get a certain amount of profit.” He’ll see to that.
    Less than a week before the 2008 election, Obama could sense full kookdom was in reach, saying, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
    Note his deliberate and continual use of the words “remake” and “fundamentally transform.” When he said he sought a “more perfect union” to “remake this great nation” and that he was psyched about “fundamentally transforming” the nation, many of us chose to believe he meant the election of the first black president or being free of the last president or improving the economy. And that’s how he wanted it.
    Obama and his advisers knew their agenda would scare the pants off the American people if they came at them full-frontal, like a Play-girl magazine with Barry on the cover that no one wanted to buy. The people needed to be buttered up with lies about the real agenda so they were content and sedated before the kook ax came down. The leftists kept their ideas close to the vest and their inner circle very closed, lest someone from the outside gain entry and full view of the real agenda. Obama, wife Michelle, Axelrod, and Jarrett made up the core. They were the Un-Fantastic Four! All of them came from Chicago. None had political executive experience. None had global leadership experience. There was not a single older, wiser adviser close to them to offer advice based on his or her own deep experience. Many folks scratched their heads, wondering why Obama didn’t have a Henry Kissinger or James Baker around, or why he wheeled out economic and business leaders like Paul Volcker and Warren Buffett but didn’t listen to them. Keeping the inner team limited and cloistered was by design. The more people close to the inner sanctum, the more people who might risk exposing the true kook agenda.
    In fact, when Rahm Emanuel left the chief of staff job to run for mayor of Chicago, Obama replaced him with Bill Daley from—you guessed it—Chicago. Unlike his brother Richard—the retired Chicago mayor—Bill Daley had business experience, and Obama used him to try to reassure the private sector that his policies weren’t fanatically antibusiness, which, of course, they were. Daley not only couldn’t carry the lie that the administration was business friendly. He couldn’t penetrate the Kook Inner Sanctum. Because of their need to protect the Big Kookuna and the agenda, they kept him perpetually on the outside. Daley lasted just a few months in the job before being shunted aside. Soon enough, it was back to the original barbershop quartet of radicalism. With all four working to reshape America in the image they harmonized to, every tone, every melody, and every lyric was used to push their master plan. There were many other advisers and strategists on the periphery, of course, but the tight-knit group kept a lid on the extent of the kookdom.
    In order to make it work, they needed to do two things. First, they needed Obama to be a Candidate Zelig. Leonard Zelig is the character portrayed by

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